

\cventry{2011--2014}{Computer science engineering diploma}{Faculty of sciences-Elmanar}{Tunis}{\textit{}}{}
\cventry{2008--2011}{bachelor degree in sciences and technologies of information and communication}{Faculty of sciences-Elmanar}{Tunis}{\textit{}}{major in electronics and signals transmission with honours }
\cventry{2008}{bachelor}{khemir High school}{Aindrahem}{\textit{}}{major in Maths with honours}

\cventry{July-August 2013}{Internship}{Ngtrend}{Tunis}{}{building and testing an MMS sending/receiving platform with Mbuni(gateway Open Source) and Nokia mms developer's suite}
\cventry{March 2013}{Realtime Translator}{Nomad, Forum Social Mondial}{Tunis}{}{using raspberry pi cards along with FM transmitters to set realtime translators during the "World Social Forum 2013"}
\cventry{June 2011}{Internship}{Tunisie Telecom}{Tunis}{}{developing a platform to send bulk sms.}
\cventry{2013--2014}{Quadcopter project}{Tunis}{operating an arduino duemilanove card to build a quadcopter and control it with an android tablet (currently)}
\cventry{April 2013}{databases}{Tunis}{designing and building an appliction to manage students candidacies in our faculty using oracle forms}
\cventry{December 2013}{Embedded linux}{Tunis}{building a linux system on a raspberry pi}

\section{Computer skills}
\cvitem{programming langages}{C,C++,java,JEE,VHDL,Prolog,Assembly,Html,PHP}
\cvitem{IDE}{Netbeans,Altuim Designer,Isis,IAR,Arduino,Xilinx,Matlab,Eclipse,Oracle}
\cvitem{Servers}{Tomcat,Apache,Mysql server}
\cvitem{Networks}{LANs,CISCO,signals transmission}

\cvitem{IEEE}{active member in IEEE FST student branch 2013}
\cvitem{Microdesign club}{active member in the embedded systems' club Microdesign}
\cvitem{CertifFST}{active member in the certification club CertifFST}
\cvitem{CTunis Extended, Forum Social Mondial}{streaming and enlarging orgnizations'activities during the World Social Forum 2013}
\cvitem{IEEE, RobotComp'2013}{participation in an annual robotics competition organized by IEEE}

\cvitem {English}{fluent}
\cvitem {French}{bilingual}
\cvitem {Arabic}{native}
\cvitem {Italian}{Basics}

\bibliography{publications}                        % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file


%\clearpage\end{CJK*}                              % if you are typesetting your resume in Chinese using CJK; the \clearpage is required for fancyhdr to work correctly with CJK, though it kills the page numbering by making \lastpage undefined


! \cventry 的参数有一个额外的 }.\par \cventry{2013 年 4 月}


!段落在 \cventry 完成之前结束。\par \cventry{2013 年 4 月}


!放错了 \cr。 \cr \cventry{2013 年 4 月}




\cventry{2013--2014}{Quadcopter project}{Tunis}{operating an arduino duemilanove card to build a quadcopter and control it with an android tablet (currently)}


  {Quadcopter project}
  {operating an arduino duemilanove card to build a quadcopter and control it with an android tablet (currently)}

实际情况是,TeX 需要五个参数,因此它将以下\cventry标记视为第五个参数:chaos ensues。如果第五个参数中没有任何内容,只需指定一对空括号即可。

  {Quadcopter project}
  {operating an arduino duemilanove card to build a quadcopter and control it with an android tablet (currently)}
