我想制作一个 Beamer 演示文稿并在页面之间使用超链接(以防有人询问更多详细信息)。一般来说,我知道通常遵循的程序(看(见下面的示例)。然而,我对这种方式并不满意(风格化的按钮是可以的,但有时它们太多了,尤其是当你在一个页面中使用多个按钮时)。更准确地说,我希望用一个单词作为超链接本身,而不是“此处”按钮。例如,在以下情况下,我更喜欢用单词“recoded”作为超链接。
\title[title]{my title}
\institute[OSU]{The Ohio State University}
\begin{frame}[label = Dependent variables]{Dependent variables}
In order to study how the characteristics of Europeans shape their attitude towards immigrants I use the following questions after \textcolor{purple}{recoding} (\hyperlink{recoding}{\beamergotobutton{here}}).
\begin{frame}[label = recoding]
\hline Question & Initial Values & Dichotomous \\
\hline \textcolor{purple}{$\alpha$)} & 1 strongly agree to 5 strongly disagree & 1 if choice 1 and 2 \\
\hline $\beta$) & 1 strongly agree to 10 strongly disagree & 1 if choice 1 to 5 \\
\hline $\gamma$) & 1 strongly agree to 10 strongly disagree & -//- \\
\hline $\delta$) & 1 strongly agree to 10 strongly disagree & -//- \\
\hline $\varepsilon$) & 1 strongly agree to 10 strongly disagree & -//- \\
Back to \hyperlink{Dependent variables}{\beamergotobutton{main}}
\hyperlink{<label>}{<link text>}
在您的示例中,<link text>
通过 将其变成 Beamer“转到”按钮\beamergotobutton{<link text}
。如果您不想要 Beamer 按钮,只需使用\hyperlink
不带 Beamer 按钮的命令即可。
PS 有多个 Beamer 按钮,以防有一天你会想要它们: