创建数组以说明使用 tikz 进行快速排序的最简单/最干净的方法是什么?

创建数组以说明使用 tikz 进行快速排序的最简单/最干净的方法是什么?

我正在尝试对仅包含几个元素的数组进行可视化快速排序。我不确定如何在 TikZ 中执行此操作。





可以让TeX快速排序自动进行,如下图所示xint pdf 文档我从该参考资料中摘取了代码,(*) 做了一些修改,并tikz从中窃取了代码汤姆·邦巴尔迪回答

2015 年的更新内容如下:

  1. 考虑到xinttools现在需要明确加载,

  2. 添加一些解释并改进代码,

  3. 还提供了一种更快的替代代码,尽管差异只会显示数百个值,这使得它在这种情况下有点不相关。

(*) 文档中的代码xint.pdf目前正在更新,与本次更新同时进行。


% \QSinitialize{comma, separated, numerical, values}
% \loop
% \QSpivotStep
% \ifnum\value{pivotcount}>0
%   \QSsortStep
% \repeat

% xintfrac does not load xinttools, this must be done explicitely if needed as here.
\usepackage{xintfrac, xinttools}


% FIRST PART: TikZ styles and macros for the actual drawing
\newcounter{cellcount}%  used for coordinates of the node
\newcounter{pivotcount}% when it will remain at zero, will signal the sort is finished.

% Styles defined by Tom Bombaldi. (modified: all share the same size)
% (re-modified \bf -> \bfseries due to extremely annoying warnings from
% KOMA-script which are truly a pain and do not make any sense regarding \bf:
% if I want to use \bf, and know what I am doing, why should I get HARASSED
% by police of LaTeX good conduct ? )
\tikzset{l/.style={minimum width=6mm, minimum height=6mm, rounded corners=1.5mm, draw=black, fill=lime!70!gray},
        o/.style={minimum width=6mm, minimum height=6mm, rounded corners=1.5mm, draw=black, fill=olive!50},
        r/.style={minimum width=6mm, minimum height=6mm, rounded corners=1.5mm, draw=black, fill=magenta!50!black, text=white, font=\bfseries, yshift=1.5mm},
% this is the "b" style as used in the image below
%        b/.style={minimum width=6mm, minimum height=6mm, rounded corners=1.5mm, draw=black, fill=magenta!50!black, text=white, font=\bfseries},
% nicer:
        b/.style={minimum width=6mm, minimum height=6mm, rounded corners=1.5mm, draw=black, fill=white, text=magenta!50!black, font=\bfseries},
        g/.style={minimum width=6mm, minimum height=6mm, rounded corners=1.5mm, draw=black, fill=gray, text=white, font=\bfseries}}

% NOTE the b style was originally the same as the r(aised) style apart from
% not being raised, but I find it nicer with a somewhat different
% specification. I have not updated the images though.

% How the nodes are drawn depending on whether on the left of the pivot value
% or on the right, or is a pivot value, or a raised pivot during selection phase.

\def\DecoLEFT #1{%
   \xintFor* ##1 in {#1} \do 
   {\stepcounter{cellcount}\node[o] at (\arabic{cellcount},0) {##1};}%

\def\DecoINERT #1{%
   \xintFor* ##1 in {#1} \do 
   {\stepcounter{cellcount}\node[g] at (\arabic{cellcount},0) {##1};}%

\def\DecoRIGHT #1{%
   \xintFor* ##1 in {#1} \do 
   {\stepcounter{cellcount}\node[l] at (\arabic{cellcount},0) {##1};}%

\def\DecoLEFTwithPivot #1{\stepcounter{pivotcount}%
     \xintFor* ##1 in {#1} \do 
      \xintifForLast {\node[r]}{\node[o]} at (\arabic{cellcount},0) {##1};}%

\def\DecoINERTwithPivot #1{\stepcounter{pivotcount}%
     \xintFor* ##1 in {#1} \do 
      \xintifForLast {\node[b]}{\node[g]} at (\arabic{cellcount},0) {##1};}%

\def\DecoRIGHTwithPivot #1{\stepcounter{pivotcount}%
     \xintFor* ##1 in {#1} \do 
      \xintifForLast {\node[r]}{\node[l]} at (\arabic{cellcount},0) {##1};}%

% SECOND PART: the actual sorting routines.

\def\QS@sort@a #1{\expandafter \QS@sort@b \expandafter {\xintLength {#1}}{#1}}
\def\QS@sort@b #1{\ifcase #1
\def\QS@sort@empty  #1{}
\def\QS@sort@single #1{\QSIr {#1}}

% This step is to pick the last as pivot.
\def\QS@sort@c #1%
   {\expandafter\QS@sort@d\expandafter {\romannumeral0\xintnthelt {-1}{#1}}{#1}}%

% Here \QSLr, \QSIr, \QSr have been let to \relax.
% The trick with \xintApplyUnbraced is that for example when selecting
% the elements smaller than pivot, if we had been using \xintApply we 
% would have had at the minimum an empty brace pair. Thus we use the
% "unbraced" variant, but then the \QS@select@smaller has added in
% anticipation a level of braces.
\def\QS@sort@d #1#2{%
    \QSLr {\xintApplyUnbraced {\QS@select@smaller  {#1}}{#2}}%
    \QSIr {\xintApplyUnbraced {\QS@select@equal    {#1}}{#2}}%
    \QSRr {\xintApplyUnbraced {\QS@select@greater {#1}}{#2}}%
\def\QS@select@smaller #1#2{\xintifLt {#2}{#1}{{#2}}{ }}% space will stop a f-expansion
\def\QS@select@equal   #1#2{\xintifEq {#2}{#1}{{#2}}{ }}% space will stop a f-expansion
\def\QS@select@greater #1#2{\xintifGt {#2}{#1}{{#2}}{ }}% space will stop a f-expansion

% NOTE 1: thus, each comparison with the pivot is done three (!) times.
% NOTE 2: we may well end up with \QSLr {<empty>} situations. THis is handled
% silently by the \xintFor loops, and also when \QSLr becomes \QS@sort@a, the
% latter must handle correctly an empty argument.

% THIRD PART: the main macros \QSpivotStep, \QSsortStep and \QSinitialize.

% This draws all with suitable highlighting for the newly chosen pivots
% (which will be shown raised)
\def\QSpivotStep {\let\QSLr\DecoLEFTwithPivot

% This sorts and then draws, showing where the pivot chosen in the previous
% step go. Next time they will have become "inert". If pivotcount is still at
% zero on exit from \QSpivotStep, then this is the signal to stop before
% executing \QSsortStep.
\def\QSsortStep {\def\QSLr {\noexpand\QS@sort@a}% 
                 \def\QSRr {\noexpand\QS@sort@a}%
                 \def\QSIr {\noexpand\QSIrr}%

\def\QSinitialize #1{%
    % first, we convert the comma separated values into a list of braced items
    % we use an \edef, and anyhow many \edef's will be used later
    \edef\QS@list {\noexpand\QSRr {\xintCSVtoList {#1}}}%
    % The \QSRr marker mutated to draw the last element as
    % pivot and the earlier ones with the suitable style.
    % The list of marked braced items \QS@list is used both for drawing
    % (as here) and for doing the exchange of elements during sort.



\QSinitialize{5, 3, 9, 8, 7, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5}

\textbf{Step 1:} Choose a pivot


\textbf{Step 2:} Lesser values go to the left, equal or greater values go to the right


\textbf{Step 3:} Repeat step 1 with the two sub lists


\textbf{Step 4:} Repeat step 2 with the sub lists:


\textbf{Step 5:} and again and again!



\QSinitialize {1.3, 1.1, 0.7, 1.6, 0.6, 0.9, 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 1.9,
               1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 1.7, 0.4, 1.2, 1.4}

\textbf{Step 1:} Choose a pivot


\textbf{Step 2:} Lesser values go to the left, equal or greater values go to the right


\textbf{Step 3:} Repeat step 1 with the two sub lists


\textbf{Step 4:} Repeat step 2 with the sub lists:


\textbf{Step 5:} and again and again!





% argument #1 will never be empty
\def\QS@cmp@a #1{\noexpand\QS@sep@A
\def\QS@cmp@d  #1#2{\ifx ?#2\expandafter\QS@cmp@done\fi
                   \xintifCmp {#1}{#2}\tw@\@ne\z@{#2}\QS@cmp@d {#1}}
\def\QS@cmp@done #1?{?}
\def\QS@sep@A #1?{\QSLr\QS@sep@L #1\thr@@?#1\thr@@?#1\thr@@?}
\def\QS@sep@L #1#2%
       {\ifcase #1{#2}\or\or\else\expandafter\QS@sep@I@start\fi \QS@sep@L}
\def\QS@sep@I@start\QS@sep@L {\noexpand\empty?\QSIr\QS@sep@I}
\def\QS@sep@I #1#2%
\def\QS@sep@R@start\QS@sep@I {\noexpand\empty?\QSRr\QS@sep@R}
\def\QS@sep@R #1#2%
\def\QS@sep@done\QS@sep@R {\noexpand\empty?}

% IN THIRD PART, NEW DEFINITION FOR \QSsortStep (other things not modified)
\def\QSsortStep {%
            \def\QSLr {\QS@cmp@a}\def\QSRr {\QS@cmp@a}%
            \def\QSIr {\QSIrr}\let\QSIrr\relax
                \edef\QS@list{\QS@list}% compare
                \edef\QS@list{\QS@list}% separate
            \def\QSLr ##1##2?{\ifx\empty##1\else\noexpand \QSLr {{##1}##2}\fi}%
            \def\QSIr ##1##2?{\ifx\empty##1\else\noexpand \QSIr {{##1}##2}\fi}%
            \def\QSRr ##1##2?{\ifx\empty##1\else\noexpand \QSRr {{##1}##2}\fi}%
                \edef\QS@list{\QS@list}% gather
            \let\QSLr\DecoLEFT \let\QSRr\DecoRIGHT
            \let\QSIr\DecoINERTwithPivot \let\QSIrr\DecoINERT









\newcommand{\boxstring}[2]% numbers, specifications
{   \begin{tikzpicture}
    [ l/.style={minimum width=6mm, minimum height=6mm, rounded corners=1.5mm, draw=black, fill=lime!70!gray},
        o/.style={minimum width=6mm, minimum height=6mm, rounded corners=1.5mm, draw=black, fill=olive!50},
        r/.style={minimum width=6mm, minimum height=6mm, rounded corners=1.5mm, draw=black, fill=magenta!50!black, text=white, font=\bf, yshift=1.5mm},
        b/.style={minimum width=8mm, minimum height=8mm, rounded corners=2mm, draw=black, fill=magenta!50!black, text=white, font=\bf},
        g/.style={minimum width=8mm, minimum height=8mm, rounded corners=2mm, draw=black, fill=gray, text=white, font=\bf}, 
        \foreach \rep/\opt in {#2}
        {   \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\maxin}{\maxindex+\rep}
            \foreach \x [count=\c] in {#1}
            {   \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\drawbool}{and(\c>\minindex,\c<=\maxindex) ? 1 : 0}
                {   \node[\opt] at (\c,0) {\x};

\textbf{Step 1:} Choose a pivot


\textbf{Step 2:} Lesser values go to the left, equal or greater values go to the right


\textbf{Step 3:} Repeat from step 1 with the two sub lists




