moderncv 中的 LaTeX 错误

moderncv 中的 LaTeX 错误

我似乎无法弄清楚问题出在哪里,以及为什么文件无法编译。如果有人能帮助我,我将不胜感激。这是 LaTeX 代码:

\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{moderncv} % Font sizes: 10, 11, or 12; paper sizes: a4paper, letterpaper, a5paper, legalpaper, executivepaper or landscape; font families: sans or roman

\moderncvstyle{classic} % CV theme - options include: 'casual' (default), 'classic', 'oldstyle' and 'banking'
\moderncvcolor{blue} % CV color - options include: 'blue' (default), 'orange', 'green', 'red', 'purple', 'grey' and 'black'

\usepackage{lipsum,amsmath} % Used for inserting dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template


\title{Industrial Engineering student \newline ENIT - University Tunis El Manar}               % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\address{Rue Tilia, Av. Merdes}{8090, Kélibia, Tunisia}    % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\mobile{+216 20 826 448}                    % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\email{[email protected]}
\quote{\textbf{Looking for a 1-2 month entry-level internship starting in May 2014}}    

 \setlength{\quotewidth}{320 cm}

\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{2.5 cm}



\cventry{2013-2014\newline Tunisia}{National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT– University Tunis El Manar)}{}{}{}{\textbf{Élève-ingénieur en Génie Industriel (B.Eng in Industrial Engineering)}
\newline Academic Background :
\item Management of production systems.
\item Non conducting systems and procedures.
\item Energetic systems.
\item Procedures in polymeres and composites.

% arguments 3 to 6 are optional
\cventry{2012-2013\newline Tunisia}{Preparatory institute of scientific and technical studies in \textit{La Marsa} (IPEST)}{}{}{}{\textbf{Advanced undergraduate studies in mathematics and physics in preparation for the
French and Tunisian nation-wide competitive entrance examinations for the 'Grandes Écoles'.}
 \newline Rank: 212th out of 5000 candidates in the Tunisian nation-wide examinations}
% arguments 3 to 6 are optional

\cventry{2010-2013\newline France}{Lycée du Parc in \textit{LYON}}{}{}{}{1st and 2nd year of preparatory school for engineering studies 
\newline Advanced undergraduate studies in Mathematics, Physics and Computer  Science. 
\newline 120 ECTS-credits  || A ECTS-grading scale.
\newline Tunisian Government Excellence Scholarship }
\cventry{2006-2010 \newline Tunisia}{Lycée Abdelaziz Belkhouja in \textit{Kélibia}}{\textsc{Tunisian Baccalaureate.}}{}{}{Rank : 47th out of 60 000 candidates in the Tunisian nation-wide examinations. \newline \textbf{Pioneer High School of Nabel.}}

\cventry{2013-2014 \newline Tunisia}{ENIT Junior Entreprise}{}{}{}{\textbf{Junior Member || Event Founder and Coordinator of “Almouhandes”} \newline Organization of the first Edition of the “Almouhandes” Event. \newline Team and budget management. }
\cventry{2013- Present \newline Tunisia}{IAESTE Tunisia \footnotesize{(The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience)}}{}{}{}{\textbf{Junior Member} \newline (Job raising, Incoming, Outgoing ...)} 
\cventry{Oct-Dec 2013 \newline Tunisia}{ENIT Tunis \textbf{Mini project} : \textsc{Building a RepRap 3D-printer}}{}{}{}{}
\cventry{2012-2013 \newline Tunisia}{IPEST La Marsa \textbf{TIPE} : \textsc{Airplane modelization and flight simulation}}{}{}{}{}
\cventry{2011-2012\newline France}{Lycée du Parc LYON \textbf{TIPE} : \textsc{An application of the Galton-Watson Branching Process}}{}{}{}{}

%\section{Master thesis}
%\cvline{description}{\small Short thesis abstract}

\cvline{Computer \newline Science}{C, Pascal, Caml, MATLAB, Maple, Photoshop, Microsoft office \& \LaTeX}{}{}
%\cvline{Programming}{C, Ada, Pascal}{}{}
%\cvline{Scientific}{Matlab, Maple}{}{}
%\cvline{Design}{ HTML, CSS}{}{}
%\cvline{OS}{Linux/Unix, Windows, DOS}{}{}

\cvlanguage{}{\textnormal{French}}{\textnormal{Full professional proficiency}}
\cvlanguage{}{\textnormal{English}}{\textnormal{Bilingual proficiency}}
\cvlanguage{}{\textnormal{Arabic}}{\textnormal{Native proficiency}}
\cvlanguage{}{\textnormal{German}}{\textnormal{Limited working proficiency}}


\cvline{Arts}{Photography, Music (Guitarist), Reading, Cinema.} 
\cvline{Sports}{Tennis. \textsc{Ex-Membre of the local Tennis Club ( T.C.K). Gold medal winner of the local tennis tournament}  \newline Jogging. Insanity fitness program ...}
\cvline{Others}{Development of human potentials. American TV shows.}
%\textbf{Voyage:} Hong Kong, Macau, Chine, Thailande,...

\closesection{}                   % needed to renewcommands
\renewcommand{\listitemsymbol}{-} % change the symbol for lists



我遇到的唯一错误是老套的missing $ inserted,这是由电子邮件中的下划线引起的。显然moderncv没有设置为处理电子邮件地址中的下划线,但如果你写\_它就可以正常工作,即

\email{cheikh\[email protected]}


\email{[email protected]}
