未定义控制序列使用 biblatex 和 Zotero

未定义控制序列使用 biblatex 和 Zotero

我正在使用 Texmaker 4.0.4 并从 Zotero 导出biblatex.bib。我的文件test.tex




    title = {The econometrics of piecewise-linear budget constraints: a survey and exposition of the maximum likelihood method},
    shorttitle = {The econometrics of piecewise-linear budget constraints},
    pages = {317–328},
    journaltitle = {Journal of Business \& Economic Statistics},
    author = {Moffitt, R.},
    date = {1986},
    file = {Google Scholar Linked Page:files/837/Moffitt - 1986 - The econometrics of piecewise-linear budget constr:}

    title = {"Says who" How the source of price information and affect influence perceived price (un) fairness},
    volume = {44},
    issue = {2},
    pages = {261-271},
    journaltitle = {Journal of Marketing Research},
    author = {Campbell, {M.C.}},
    date = {2007},
    file = {Google Scholar Linked Page:files/912/jmkr.44.2.html:text/html}


! Undefined control sequence.
<to be read again> \edef \blx@tempa {317\x
{FFFD}\x {FFFD}\x {FFFD}328}
l.11 \end



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