是否可以将“lualatex”的 DVI 输出与“fontspec”一起使用而不会出现与字体相关的错误?

是否可以将“lualatex”的 DVI 输出与“fontspec”一起使用而不会出现与字体相关的错误?

是否可以使用lualatex的 DVI 输出而fontspec不会出现与字体相关的错误?我想使用 的(基于 eps 的)输出sagetexlualatex生成的文档fontspec。由于sagetex使用 eps 图形,因此我只能在文档中使用它,如果我使用 的lualatexDVI 输出。由于我想要fontspec与其一起使用(加载 Helvetica 并将其用作文档中文本的字体),我可以让 lualatex 产生与之兼容的 DVI 输出吗fontspec



Some test


This is DVItype, Version 3.6 (TeX Live 2016)
Options selected:
  Starting page = * 
  Maximum number of pages = 1000000
  Output level = 4 (the works)
  Resolution = 300.00000000 pixels per inch
magnification=1000;       0.00006334 pixels per DVI unit
' LuaTeX output 2017.02.05:0007'
Postamble starts at byte 173.
maxv=41484288, maxh=26673152, maxstackdepth=3, totalpages=1
Font 14: [lmroman10-regular]:+tlig;---not loaded, TFM file can't be opened! 

45: beginning of page 1 
90: push 
level 0:(h=0,v=0,w=0,x=0,y=0,z=0,hh=0,vv=0) 
91: push 
level 1:(h=0,v=0,w=0,x=0,y=0,z=0,hh=0,vv=0) 
92: push 
level 2:(h=0,v=0,w=0,x=0,y=0,z=0,hh=0,vv=0) 
93: right3 5046272 h:=0+5046272=5046272, hh:=320 
[ ]
97: down3 4128768 v:=0+4128768=4128768, vv:=262 
101: fntdef1 14: [lmroman10-regular]:+tlig;---this font wasn't loaded before!
---not loaded, TFM file can't be opened! 
143: fntnum14 invalid font selection: font 14 was never defined! current font is UNDEFINED! 
144: setchar83 character 83 invalid in font UNDEFINED! h:=5046272+0=5046272, hh:=320 
145: setchar111 character 111 invalid in font UNDEFINED! h:=5046272+0=5046272, hh:=320 
146: setchar109 character 109 invalid in font UNDEFINED! h:=5046272+0=5046272, hh:=320 
147: setchar101 character 101 invalid in font UNDEFINED! h:=5046272+0=5046272, hh:=320 
148: right3 218235 h:=5046272+218235=5264507, hh:=333 
152: setchar116 character 116 invalid in font UNDEFINED! h:=5264507+0=5264507, hh:=333 
153: setchar101 character 101 invalid in font UNDEFINED! h:=5264507+0=5264507, hh:=333 
154: setchar115 character 115 invalid in font UNDEFINED! h:=5264507+0=5264507, hh:=333 
155: setchar116 character 116 invalid in font UNDEFINED! h:=5264507+0=5264507, hh:=333 
[Some test]
156: pop 
level 2:(h=0,v=0,w=0,x=0,y=0,z=0,hh=0,vv=0) 
157: pop 
level 1:(h=0,v=0,w=0,x=0,y=0,z=0,hh=0,vv=0) 
158: push 
level 1:(h=0,v=0,w=0,x=0,y=0,z=0,hh=0,vv=0) 
159: right4 15204352 h:=0+15204352=15204352, hh:=963 
[ ]
164: down4 41484288 v:=0+41484288=41484288, vv:=2628 
169: setchar49 character 49 invalid in font UNDEFINED! h:=15204352+0=15204352, hh:=963 
170: pop 
level 1:(h=0,v=0,w=0,x=0,y=0,z=0,hh=0,vv=0) 
171: pop 
level 0:(h=0,v=0,w=0,x=0,y=0,z=0,hh=0,vv=0) 
172: eop 

如您所见,它已写出,但无法从中得出任何有意义的信息。特别是,dvips它无法处理 OpenType 字体,而且目前没有可以处理的 DVI 驱动程序。

另一方面,将 EPS 文件转换为 PDF 非常容易:TeX Live(也称为 MiKTeX)提供了epstopdf用于此目的的脚本,并且编译lualatex将即时进行转换。
