revtex 文档中引用的作者年份格式

revtex 文档中引用的作者年份格式

我对 LaTeX 中的参考书目还不熟悉,我希望能够使用如下样式报告. 基本上Rawle et al. (2013)带或不带括号都是这样的:

(Rawle et al. 2013)
Rawle et al.
Rawle et al. (2013)


这是主 tex 文件:

   \title{S0 Galaxies} 
   \author{S. Read}
   \affiliation{Department of Physics}


这是 bib 文件中的引用(bib 文件中的所有其他内容都只是更多引用):

title = {Rotational velocities and central velocity dispersions for a sample of S0 galaxies},
volume = {265},
issn = {0004-{637X}},
url = {},
doi = {10.1086/160712},
abstract = {Field S0 galaxies have bulges exhibiting high rotational velocities similar to those of spiral galaxies, as well as rapidly rotating disks. The Tully-Fisher ({TF)} diagram for field S0s show significant scatter, which indicates that these galaxies are a heterogeneous group in light of disk kinematics. Their spread in the {TF} diagram is larger than that of all Hubble-type spirals, prompting as explanations for such large variation a variation in mass/light ratio, the contamination of disk light by bulge light, and the accidental inclusion of systems lacking true disks whose kinetic energy derives from velocity dispersion rather than rotation. While some S0 galaxies seem to have no disks, their light profiles mimic the extended envelope distinguishing S0s from ellipticals, and they are rotationally flattened. These transition objects may be useful in increasing the present understanding of the formation of spheroidal stellar systems.},
urldate = {2013-10-28},
journal = {The Astrophysical Journal},
author = {Dressler, A. and Sandage, A.},
month = feb,
year = {1983},
pages = {664--680},
file = {NASA/ADS Full Text PDF:C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Zotero\Zotero\Profiles\1lsc8c6m.default\zotero\storage\UTE9FWCU\Dressler and Sandage - 1983 - Rotational velocities and central velocity dispers.pdf:application/pdf}




\setcitestyle{authoryear,round}%Setting citation style. Changing braces to ()
    \title{S0 Galaxies}
    \author{S. Read}
    \affiliation{Department of Physics}




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