用于创建 markdown 样式输出的 LaTeX 类

用于创建 markdown 样式输出的 LaTeX 类

我是 LaTeX 的老用户了。但我发现使用 Markdown 可以让我写出“更赏心悦目的”文档。LaTeX 看起来通常像教科书。

有谁知道 LaTeX 类(或其他东西)可以复制 Markdown 样式,例如“Github”、“Github v2”、“Markdown Pro”和“Real”。这些标题来自 Markdown Pro 应用程序。



如果我理解正确的话,你想做一些类似 GitHub 的 markdown 风格的事情。所以我创建了一些命令和环境,以提供基于 GitHub 的类似风格Adam Pritchard 的 Markdown 备忘单

我用了源 Sans Pro源代码专业版字体,因此您必须下载并安装到您的操作系统上。以下是直接下载链接:

因为我使用了 TrueType 字体,所以您必须tex使用 编译该文件xelatex,并编译两次才能获得正确的目录。



% Lengths ----------------------------------------------------------------------

% save parindent to a new length, originalparindent

% set parskip to bigskipamount for space between paragraphs

% set parindent to 0pt for disabling paragraph indentation

% Packages ---------------------------------------------------------------------

% geometry package for setting page
% size, and for refining page margins
\usepackage[a4paper, hscale=0.85, vscale=0.85]{geometry}

% Set font encoding

% url package for handlink hyperlinks

% hyperref package for handling in-document links and styling links

% fontspec package to load custom fonts

% xcolor package for 

% secdot package for adding dot after section numbers

% ulem package for enabling strikethrough 

% tocloft package for disabling
% bold font in the table of contents

% titletoc package for adding a dot after
% section numbers in the table of contents

% setspace package for altering linespread in tables

% float package for placing tables
% and figure at exact position

% caption package
% for caption styling 

% colortbl package for colored tables

% tikz package for inline code
% styling, and horizontal rules

% verbatim package for verbatim
% environment in code block environments

% mdframed environment for custom
% code blocks and custom quotes
% (common options for all mdframed based
% environments are set at package loading)

% tabu package for
% easier tabular styling

% Package Setups ---------------------------------------------------------------

% setup for hyperref package:
%   enabled pdf bookmarks,
%   setting link styles
    pdfborder={0 0 0},%

% setup for tikz package:
%   load library for fancy hrlues

% setup url package:
%   set url font to sans serif instead of teletype

% Font settings ----------------------------------------------------------------

% set document default font to Source Sans Pro and its variants
    ItalicFont=Source Sans Pro Light Italic,%
    BoldFont=Source Sans Pro,%
    BoldItalicFont=Source Sans Pro Italic]{Source Sans Pro Light}

% set sans serif font to Source Sans Pro and its variants (just in case)
    ItalicFont=Source Sans Pro Light Italic,%
    BoldFont=Source Sans Pro,%
    BoldItalicFont=Source Sans Pro Italic]{Source Sans Pro Light}

% set monospace font to Source Code Pro and its variants
    ItalicFont=Source Code Pro ExtraLight,%
    BoldFont=Source Code Pro]{Source Code Pro Light}

% Color definitions ------------------------------------------------------------


% Styling table of contents ----------------------------------------------------

% set dot fill style

% set section font style

% set indentation of toc entries

% set parskip between toc entries

% set table of contents depth to 5

% Section styling --------------------------------------------------------------

% add dots after section numbers (secdot package)

% changing the style of \paragraph and \subparagraph titles, so
% text after \paragraph and \subparagraph are broken into new lines

% set section number up to level 5

% add a dot after section
% numbers in the pdf bookmarks
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/150983/add-dot-to-the-end-of-section-numbering-in-pdf-bookmarks
\renewcommand{\Hy@numberline}[1]{#1. }

% Paragraph styling ------------------------------------------------------------

% prevent widows and orphans

% prevent overfull lines

% New commands -----------------------------------------------------------------

% mdtitle command for document title
% (not listend in the table of contents)

% mdtableofcontents command for custom styled table of contents

% mdsimplehrule command for a simple horizontal rule
        \path[draw, mdsimplehlinecolor] (0, 0) -- (\textwidth{}, 0);%

% mdfancyhrule command for a fancy horizontal rule
                \fill[mdfancyhlinecolor] (0pt, 0pt) -- (3pt, 3pt) -- (4.25pt, 3pt) -- (1.25pt, 0pt) -- cycle;%
        \path[decorate, decoration=fancyhrule] (0, 0) -- (\textwidth, 0);%
%    \nopagebreak\begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={border, angle=45, segment length=4pt, amplitude=4pt}, thick]%
%        \path[postaction={decorate, draw}, mdfancyhlinecolor] (0, 0) -- (\textwidth{}, 0);%
%    \end{tikzpicture}%

% mdinlinecode command for including code snippets inline
% (fake verbatim, so all special character should be escaped,
% or textmode equivalents of special characters should be used)
            text height=1em,%
            text depth=1ex,%
            inner ysep=0pt,%
            rounded corners=2pt] at (0,0) {\footnotesize\texttt{#1}};%

% bfdescriptionlabel command for changing the description
% label style in the mdbfdescription environment

% codedescriptionlabel command for changing the description
% label style in the mdcodedescription environment

% mdimgbox for a frame around figures,
% but it can be used for anything

% New environments -------------------------------------------------------------

% mdcodeblock environment for including code blocks
% (based on mdframed, breaks between pages)

% mdnonbreakcodeblock environment for including code blocks
% (based on mdframed, doesn't break between pages)

% mdblockquote environment for custom styled blockquotes
% (based on mdframed, breaks between pages)

% mditemize environment for
% custom styled unordered lists

% mdenumerate environment for
% custom styled enumerated lists

% mdbfdescription environment for
% custom (bold) styled description lists

% mdcodedescription environment for
% custom (mdinlinecode) styled description lists

% Document start ---------------------------------------------------------------


\mdtitle{GitHub Markdown style \LaTeX}





Document title with \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}mdtitle\{\}}.

Standard \LaTeX section headings can be used (level 1--5).





And these also appear nicely in the table of contents.



Emphasis, aka \emph{italics}, with standard \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}emph\{\}}.

Strong emphasis, aka \textbf{bold}, with standard \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}textbf\{\}}.

\emph{\textbf{Combined emphasis}} with standard \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}emph\{\}} and \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}textbf\{\}}.

\sout{Strikethrough} with \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}sout\{\}} from the \mdinlinecode{ulem} package.



Unordered list with the \mdinlinecode{mditemize} environment:

\item foo
\item bar

Enumeration, aka ordered list with the \mdinlinecode{mdenumerate} environment:

\item foo
\item bar

Bold style description list with the \mdinlinecode{mdbfdescription} environment:

\item[foo] bar
\item[R. Daneel Olivaw] A fictional robot created by Isaac Asimov.

Inline code description list with the \mdinlinecode{mdcodedescription} environment

\item[void *] A special type of pointer that can be pointed at objects of any data type.
\item[R. Daneel Olivaw] a fictional robot created by Isaac Asimov.

\emph{Note: the description label inside the \mdinlinecode{mdcodedescription} environment is fake verbatim, so everything must be escaped inside it or textmode equivalents should be used of special characters. (See \hyperref[sec:mdinlinecodedef]{\mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}mdinlinecode\{\}}'s definition}.)}


Combined lists are also available. The style modifications don't affect nesting:

\item This supposed to be an example with custom styled lists.
\item unordered
\item list
\item Let's see a nested description list.
\item[The Doctor] So, the year 5 billion. The Sun expands, the Earth gets roasted.
\item[Rose] That was our first date.



Links with description with \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}href\{url\}\{description\}}:

\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Laws_of_Robotics}{Three Laws of Robotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia}

URLs with \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}url\{\}}:



\section{Inline code and code blocks}

Inline code with \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}mdinlinecode\{inline code\}}:

Lorem ipsum dolor \mdinlinecode{sit} amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus quis auctor \mdinlinecode{nunc}. Nam ac egestas lectus, ac tincidunt purus. Aliquam viverra dictum est, ut pretium magna tristique eget. Donec venenatis \mdinlinecode{purus} \mdinlinecode{eget} justo malesuada suscipit.

\emph{Note: \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}mdinlinecode\{\}} is fake verbatim, so everything must be escaped inside it or textmode equivalents should be used of special characters.}

Code blocks with the \mdinlinecode{mdcodeblock} environment (the example shows \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}mdinlinecode\{\}}'s definition):


            text height=1em,%
            text depth=1ex,%
            inner ysep=0pt,%
            rounded corners=2pt] at (0,0) {\footnotesize\texttt{#1}};%

Or with the \mdinlinecode{mdnonbreakcodeblock} environment, which won't break between pages.


A framed figure (\mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}mdimgbox\{\}}) with left aligned caption:

    \captionsetup{justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false}

    \captionsetup{justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false}



Table created with the help of \mdinlinecode{colortbl} and the standard table environments:

        \textbf{Distribution} & \textbf{Package name}\\
        Arch Linux & \mdinlinecode{ncurses}\\
        Debian & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-bin}\\
        Fedora & \mdinlinecode{ncurses}\\
        openSUSE & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-utils}\\
        Ubuntu & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-bin}\\

        \textbf{Distribution} & \textbf{Package name}\\
        Arch Linux & \mdinlinecode{ncurses}\\
        Debian & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-bin}\\
        Fedora & \mdinlinecode{ncurses}\\
        openSUSE & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-utils}\\
        Ubuntu & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-bin}\\

Table created using only \mdinlinecode{tabu}:

\taburowcolors[2] {white .. mdalternatingtablerowcolor}
Distribution & Package name\\
Arch Linux & \mdinlinecode{ncurses}\\
Debian & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-bin}\\
Fedora & \mdinlinecode{ncurses}\\
openSUSE & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-utils}\\
Ubuntu & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-bin}\\

\taburowcolors[2] {white .. mdalternatingtablerowcolor}
Distribution & Package name\\
Arch Linux & \mdinlinecode{ncurses}\\
Debian & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-bin}\\
Fedora & \mdinlinecode{ncurses}\\
openSUSE & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-utils}\\
Ubuntu & \mdinlinecode{ncurses-bin}\\


Also created with \mdinlinecode{tabu}:

\captionsetup{justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false}
\taburowcolors[2] {white .. mdalternatingtablerowcolor}
Day & Minimum Temperature & Maximum Temperature & Summary \\
Monday & 11 \textdegree{}C & 22 \textdegree{}C & A clear day with lots
of sunshine. However, the strong breeze will bring down the temperatures. \\
Tuesday & ~9 \textdegree{}C & 19 \textdegree{}C & Cloudy with rain,
across many northern regions. Clear spells across most of Scotland and
Northern Ireland, but rain reaching the far northwest. \\
Wednesday & 10 \textdegree{}C & 21 \textdegree{}C & Rain will still linger
for the morning. Conditions will improve by early afternoon
and continue throughout the evening. \\
\caption{Weather forecast for the next 3 days.}

\captionsetup{justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false}
\taburowcolors[2] {white .. mdalternatingtablerowcolor}
Day & Minimum Temperature & Maximum Temperature & Summary \\
Monday & 11 \textdegree{}C & 22 \textdegree{}C & A clear day with lots
of sunshine. However, the strong breeze will bring down the temperatures. \\
Tuesday & ~9 \textdegree{}C & 19 \textdegree{}C & Cloudy with rain,
across many northern regions. Clear spells across most of Scotland and
Northern Ireland, but rain reaching the far northwest. \\
Wednesday & 10 \textdegree{}C & 21 \textdegree{}C & Rain will still linger
for the morning. Conditions will improve by early afternoon
and continue throughout the evening. \\
\caption{Weather forecast for the next 3 days.}

Text source: \url{http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Tables#Text_wrapping_in_tables}



Blockquotes with the \mdinlinecode{mdblockquote} environment:

The Three Laws of Robotics (often shortened to The Three Laws or Three Laws) are a set of rules devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov.

The rules were introduced in his 1942 short story ``Runaround'', although they had been foreshadowed in a few earlier stories. The Three Laws are:

\item A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
\item A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
\item A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Source: \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Laws_of_Robotics}{Three Laws of Robotics -- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia}


\section{Horizontal rules}

Fancy horizontal rule with \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}mdfancyhrule}:


Simple horizontal rule with \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}mdsimplehrule}:



Table of contents with \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}mdtableofcontents}.

List of figures and tables are the same as usual (\mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}listoffigures}, \mdinlinecode{\textbackslash{}listoftables}).







我的latex 到互联网类可以产生Markdown输出。

由于 Markdown 比 LaTeX 更有限,我的建议是在编写文档之前提前知道它将被转换为 Markdown,否则格式信息将会丢失。
