


\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %Needed for input
\usepackage{venturis} %CM does not look right at this size
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %Needed for output
\usepackage[margin=0.4cm]{geometry} %The layout gets screwed up if I don't include this.



\vspace{0.5 \baselineskip}%
\LARGE #1%
\noindent \normalsize #2%





\cards{%Basic set
A big hoopla about nothing,%
A wheelchair death race%
}{Cards Against Humanity: Googling this is probably a bad idea}%
\cards{%The Canadian Expansion
Burning down the White House,%
Terry Fox's prosthetic leg,%
{The Offical Languages Act \\\vspace{\baselineskip} \noindent La Loi sur les langues officielles.},%To show you some of my cards are a bit more complex
The Front de Libération du Québec,%
Killing a Moose with your bare hands%
}{Cards Against Humanity:\\ The Canadian Expansion. No really, don't google this at work.}%
\cards{%The Second Expansion
A piñata full of scorpions%
{Cards Against Humanity:\\The Second Expansion. This if a card game for horrible people.}%


编辑:澄清一下,这是我的文档的一页。我的实际文档中有 126 页,有多个 \card 命令,每个组一个。我不想手动设置那么多背景,所以我想要一个可以自动将文本“Cards Against Humanity”放在每张卡片背面的背景(即在每隔一页上,但放在有卡片的地方,这样卡片编号不均匀的页面仍然可以获得正确的背面。)


以下界面在列表宏中收集卡背,然后在您收集到 9 张卡背或以下时对其进行处理\AtDocumentEnd


\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %Needed for input
\usepackage{venturis} %CM does not look right at this size
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %Needed for output
\usepackage[margin=0.4cm]{geometry} %The layout gets screwed up if I don't include this.
\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox (for list processing)

\newcommand{\cardbacks}{}% List of card backs


% http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/308/5764
  \if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax % H. Oberdiek

    \vspace{0.5 \baselineskip}%
    \LARGE #1%
    \noindent \normalsize #2%

\newcommand{\card}[3][Cards Against Humanity]{%
  \ifemptyarg{#1}{}{\stepcounter{itemcnt}}% Another card has been added
    \dolistcsloop{cardbacks}% Set card backs
    \renewcommand{\cardbacks}{}% Clear list
    \setcounter{itemcnt}{1}% Restart counting cards

\newcommand{\cards}[3][Cards Against Humanity]{%

\AtEndDocument{% Flush remainder of card backs
  \dolistcsloop{cardbacks}% Set card backs




\cards{%Basic set
  A big hoopla about nothing,%
  A wheelchair death race%
}{Cards Against Humanity: Googling this is probably a bad idea}%
\cards{%The Canadian Expansion
  Burning down the White House,%
  Terry Fox's prosthetic leg,%
 {The Offical Languages Act \\\vspace{\baselineskip}
  \noindent La Loi sur les langues officielles.},%To show you some of my cards are a bit more complex
  The Front de Libération du Québec,%
  Killing a Moose with your bare hands%
}{Cards Against Humanity:\par The Canadian Expansion. No really, don't Google this at work.}%
\cards{%The Second Expansion
  A piñata full of scorpions%
}{Cards Against Humanity:\par The Second Expansion. This if a card game for horrible people.}%

\cards{%The Second Expansion
  A piñata full of scorpions%
}{Cards Against Humanity:\par The Second Expansion. This if a card game for horrible people.}%
\cards{%The Canadian Expansion
  Burning down the White House,%
  Terry Fox's prosthetic leg,%
 {The Offical Languages Act \\\vspace{\baselineskip}
  \noindent La Loi sur les langues officielles.},%To show you some of my cards are a bit more complex
  The Front de Libération du Québec,%
  Killing a Moose with your bare hands%
}{Cards Against Humanity:\par The Canadian Expansion. No really, don't Google this at work.}%


这个想法是用作\card主要的卡片设置宏,并带有一个可选参数,规定背面应打印的内容。如果背面不是以三张为一组提供,可能仍需要进行一些工作来重新排序。但是,对于你的情况 - 所有卡片都有相同的背面 - 这应该不是问题。




        %\rlap{\raisebox{\dimexpr-\height}[0pt][0pt]{% Underlay image background

它会插入一个图像,使其完全覆盖文本所在的区域。如果您还想用文本覆盖它,请取消注释该\rlap{\raisebox...}部分。然后您可以添加任何您想要的内容,因为图像将放置在文本下方。当然,这需要graphicx。您可以通过宏和循环以您想要的方式对其进行扩展,类似于您对 所做的那样\cards


\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %Needed for input
\usepackage{venturis} %CM does not look right at this size
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %Needed for output
\usepackage[margin=0.4cm]{geometry} %The layout gets screwed up if I don't include this.
\usepackage{graphicx}% For images



\vspace{0.5 \baselineskip}%
\LARGE #1%
\noindent \normalsize #2%

        %\rlap{\raisebox{\dimexpr-\height}[0pt][0pt]{% Underlay image background





\cards{%Basic set
A big hoopla about nothing,%
A wheelchair death race%
}{Cards Against Humanity: Googling this is probably a bad idea}%
\cards{%The Canadian Expansion
Burning down the White House,%
Terry Fox's prosthetic leg,%
{The Offical Languages Act \\\vspace{\baselineskip} \noindent La Loi sur les langues officielles.},%To show you some of my cards are a bit more complex
The Front de Libération du Québec,%
Killing a Moose with your bare hands%
}{Cards Against Humanity:\\ The Canadian Expansion. No really, don't google this at work.}%
\cards{%The Second Expansion
A piñata full of scorpions%
{Cards Against Humanity:\\The Second Expansion. This if a card game for horrible people.}%





  {front text}
  back  text


要以 3 x 3 布局设置肖像卡,请将文件复制到与文档同一目录中的avery5371.cfg另一个文件(如),然后根据需要进行编辑修改,例如:mycard.cfg



\documentclass[mycard, ...]{flashcards}


% Note: mycard.cfg must be in the path 
% Print only fronts = option "fronts"  
% Print only backs = option "backs"  


% Card style


% Macros for simplify 3 back sides. Change as you want 

\newcommand\spade{{\huge $\spadesuit$}\par\bigskip Cards\\ Against\\ Humanity\par\bigskip {\huge $\spadesuit$}}

\newcommand\club{{\huge $\clubsuit$}\par\bigskip Cards\\ Against\\ Humanity\par\bigskip {\huge $\clubsuit$}}

\newcommand\heart{{\color{red}\huge $\heartsuit$}\par\bigskip Cards\\ Against\\ Humanity\par\bigskip{\color{red}\huge $\heartsuit$}}


\cardfrontfoot{Googling this is probably a bad idea}  % Common foot for two cards

[1 $\spadesuit$ ]              % header  (optional)
{A big hoopla about nothing}   % front 
\spade                         % back  

[2 $\spadesuit$]
{A wheelchair death race}

\cardfrontfoot{The Canadian Expansion.\\ No really, don't google this at work.}

[1 $\clubsuit$ ]               
{Burning down the White House}

[2 $\clubsuit$ ]               
{Terry Fox's prosthetic leg}

[3 $\clubsuit$ ]               
{The Offical Languages Act\\ \vspace{3\baselineskip} \noindent La Loi sur les langues officielles}

[4 $\clubsuit$ ]               
{The Front de Libération du Québec\vfill}

[5 $\clubsuit$ ]               

[6 $\clubsuit$ ]               
{Killing a Moose with your bare hands}

\cardfrontfoot{The Second Expansion. \\This if a card game for horrible people.}

[\textcolor{red}{1 $\heartsuit$}]               
{A piñata full of scorpions}


