我找到了一个 LaTeX 极简指南(最初由 Alan Munn 编写),并尝试翻译它在tufte-handout
{\Large \textbf{Summary}}
This is a list of the packages that are in my opinion the most useful for writing papers and theses in linguistics. I have made no attempt to justify the choices, but I find almost all of these packages essential in my own work. The essential packages and the basic linguistics packages (relevant to your particular field) should probably be loaded in every document you write. Unless noted, all packages are part of \TeX{}Live and Mik\TeX{}.
\section{Essential packages} % (fold)
\item \texttt{geometry} set margins and general page layout
\item \texttt{inputenc} accented characters in your source1,2
\item \texttt{fontenc} accented characters in your output3,4
\item \texttt{fancyhdr} headers and footers
\item \texttt{array} improved tables
\item \texttt{booktabs} nice looking tables
\item \texttt{multicol} multiple column text
\item \texttt{graphicx} inclusion of graphics
\item \texttt{natbib} bibliography and citations5
% section essential_packages (end)
\section{Packages for customizing the looks of things} % (fold)
\item \texttt{titlesec} customization of all section titles
\item \texttt{enumitem} customization of any list environment
\item \texttt{setspace} double and 1.5 spacing
\item \texttt{parskip} unindented paragraphs separated by blank lines
% section packages_for_customizing_the_looks_of_things (end)
\section{Font packages} % (fold)
\item \texttt{mathptmx} Times (New) Roman
\item \texttt{mathpazo} Palatino
\item \texttt{helvet} Helvetica
% section font_packages (end)
我正在使用 Sublime Text 2 和 TeXlive 2013。
{\Large \textbf{Summary}}
This is a list of the packages that are in my opinion the most useful for writing papers and theses in linguistics. I have made no attempt to justify the choices, but I find almost all of these packages essential in my own work. The essential packages and the basic linguistics packages (relevant to your particular field) should probably be loaded in every document you write. Unless noted, all packages are part of \TeX{}Live and Mik\TeX{}.
\section{Essential packages} % (fold)
\item \texttt{geometry} set margins and general page layout
\item \texttt{inputenc} accented characters in your source1,2
\item \texttt{fontenc} accented characters in your output3,4
\item \texttt{fancyhdr} headers and footers
\item \texttt{array} improved tables
\item \texttt{booktabs} nice looking tables
\item \texttt{multicol} multiple column text
\item \texttt{graphicx} inclusion of graphics
\item \texttt{natbib} bibliography and citations5
% section essential_packages (end)
\section{Packages for customizing the looks of things} % (fold)
\item \texttt{titlesec} customization of all section titles
\item \texttt{enumitem} customization of any list environment
\item \texttt{setspace} double and 1.5 spacing
\item \texttt{parskip} unindented paragraphs separated by blank lines
% section packages_for_customizing_the_looks_of_things (end)
\section{Font packages} % (fold)
\item \texttt{mathptmx} Times (New) Roman
\item \texttt{mathpazo} Palatino
\item \texttt{helvet} Helvetica
% section font_packages (end)