\caption{word frequrnt} \label{tab:addlabeloooo} \\
\\ [0.1cm]
Metric& Brown vs. LOB &Brown vs. King James Bible\\[0.1cm]
Average codelength & 0.84 & 1.84 \\[0.1cm]
Top1 unigram & 7.65 & 10.52 \\[0.1cm]
Top5 unigram & 6.94 & 10.05 \\[0.1cm]
Top10 unigram & 6.38 & 9.72 \\[0.1cm]
Top100 unigram & 4.88 & 7.54 \\[0.1cm]
Top1 bigram & 8.52 & 11.25 \\[0.1cm]
Top5 bigram & 6.68 & 10.23 \\[0.1cm]
Top10 bigram & 5.94 & 9.38 \\[0.1cm]
Top100 bigram & 4.17 & 7.19 \\[0.1cm]
Top1 trigram & 5.4 & 9.56 \\[0.1cm]
Top5 trigram & 4.77 & 8.68 \\[0.1cm]
Top10 trigram & 4.6 & 8.17 \\[0.1cm]
Top100 trigram & 3.58 & 6.3 \\[0.1cm]
\% of words in 1st corpus not in 2nd corpus &6.05 & 8.73 \\[0.1cm]
\% of words in 2nd corpus not in 1st corpus & 5.54 & 2.94 \\[0.1cm]
Top 10 unseen words in 1st corpus & Mr. Mrs. Dr. Mr SIC J. St. Colour Fig. R. & LORD Shalt and was are hast Is Were be \\[0.1cm]
Top 10 unseen words in 2nd corpus & Mr\& **f Mrs\& **h Program Dr\& <The **f. Center St\& & Has Mr\& American Mrs\& Around during United Does don't didn't \\[0.1cm] \hline
Metric & {Brown vs. LOB} & {Brown vs. KJB} \\
Average codelength & 0.84 & 1.84 \\
Top1 unigram & 7.65 & 10.52 \\
Top5 unigram & 6.94 & 10.05 \\
Top10 unigram & 6.38 & 9.72 \\
Top100 unigram & 4.88 & 7.54 \\
Top1 bigram & 8.52 & 11.25 \\
Top5 bigram & 6.68 & 10.23 \\
Top10 bigram & 5.94 & 9.38 \\
Top100 bigram & 4.17 & 7.19 \\
Top1 trigram & 5.40 & 9.56 \\
Top5 trigram & 4.77 & 8.68 \\
Top10 trigram & 4.60 & 8.17 \\
Top100 trigram & 3.58 & 6.30 \\
Words in 1st, not in 2nd corpus & 6.05\,\% & 8.73\,\% \\
Words in 2nd, not in 1st corpus & 5.54\,\% & 2.94\,\% \\
Top 10 unseen words in 1st corpus
& \multicolumn1{p{0.33\textwidth}}{\gram{Mr.}
\gram{Mrs.} \gram{Dr.} \gram{Mr} \gram{SIC}
\gram{J.} \gram{St.} \gram{Colour} \gram{Fig.} \gram{R.}}
& \multicolumn1{p{0.33\textwidth}}{\gram{LORD}
\gram{Shalt} \gram{and} \gram{was} \gram{are}
\gram{hast} \gram{Is} \gram{Were} \gram{be}} \\
Top 10 unseen words in 2nd corpus
& \multicolumn1{p{0.33\textwidth}}{\gram{Mr\&}
\gram{**f} \gram{Mrs\&} \gram{**h} \gram{Program}
\gram{Dr\&} \gram{<The} \gram{**f.} \gram{Center} \gram{St\&}}
& \multicolumn1{p{0.33\textwidth}}{\gram{Has}
\gram{Mr\&} \gram{American} \gram{Mrs\&}
\gram{Around} \gram{during} \gram{United}
\gram{Does} \gram{don't} \gram{didn't}} \\
\caption{Comparison} \label{tab:comparison}