在Biblatex:自动是。& 自动引文缩进(取决于引文长度)lockstep 根据 lockstep 和 Martin Scharrer 之前的贡献创建了一个引用命令,
当输出超过一定行数(最好是 3 行)时,将会进行排版缩进。
它在 biblatex 中起作用。
- 是否可以将超出 3 行的版本更改为单倍行距(同时使用
)? - 是否有可能生成比超过 3 行的版本中的“正确”文本略小的文本?
- 在 中使用
,当脚注文本超过3行时,是否可以调整其大小? - 有人能做到吗?
\usepackage[style=authoryear,autocite=footnote]{biblatex} % Here, Philip added "autocite=footnote"
compare = {vgl\adddot},
% \settowidth doesn't like paragraphs
\def\par{\hspace{3\linewidth}}% If a paragraph is included force long form
%\let\par\space % Ignore paragraphs
\let\footnote\@empty% make sure autocite does not do anything here; this is new
{\itshape #1}%
author = {Author, A.},
year = {2001},
title = {Alpha},
This is a paraphrase \autocites{A01}{A01} % Added by Philip
This is a paraphrase \autocites{A01}{A01} % Added by Philip
\cquotation{This is a short direct quotation. \autocite{A01}}
\cquotation{This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
This is a paraphrase \autocite{A01}
This is a paraphrase with prenote \autocite[siehe hierzu auch][]{A01}
This is a paraphrase \autocite{A01}
This is a paraphrase \autocite{A01}
This is a paraphrase \autocites{A01}{A01} % Added by Philip
This is a paraphrase \autocites{A01}{A01} % Added by Philip
\cquotation{This is a short direct quotation. \autocite{A01}}
This is a paraphrase \autocite{A01}
\footnote{This is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is a \cquotation{This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation.\autocite{A01}} This is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is a }
注意:藝術。这里使用的代码是 moewe 根据 lockstep 版本稍微改进的。它避免了奇怪的编号和不想要的预注输出藝術。在autocite=footnote
biblatex 中设置(链接Biblatex:问题藝術。动态引用命令中的编号)。此外,您还可以找到\newbibmacro*{simp:prenote}{...
moewe 的命令以避免与其他命令混淆(请参阅Biblatex:将动态比较命令与 '\citetitle' 命令相结合)。并且,我添加了\usepackage{setspace}
and \onehalfspacing
% \settowidth doesn't like paragraphs
\def\par{\hspace{3\linewidth}}% If a paragraph is included force long form
%\let\par\space % Ignore paragraphs
\let\footnote\@empty% make sure autocite does not do anything here; this is new
{\blx@blxinit\iffootnote{\smaller}{}\itshape #1}%
较长的引文(超过 3 行的文本)将以较小的尺寸打印(该\smaller
命令由 Donald Arseneau 提供)relsize
该命令仅在发出 后才可用\blx@blxinit
\usepackage[style=authoryear,autocite=footnote]{biblatex} % Here, Philip added "autocite=footnote"
compare = {vgl\adddot},
% \settowidth doesn't like paragraphs
\def\par{\hspace{3\linewidth}}% If a paragraph is included force long form
%\let\par\space % Ignore paragraphs
\let\footnote\@empty% make sure autocite does not do anything here; this is new
{\blx@blxinit\iffootnote{\smaller}{}\itshape #1}%
author = {Author, A.},
year = {2001},
title = {Alpha},
This is a paraphrase \autocites{A01}{A01} % Added by Philip
This is a paraphrase \autocites{A01}{A01} % Added by Philip
\cquotation{This is a short direct quotation. \autocite{A01}}
\cquotation{This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
This is a paraphrase \autocite{A01}
This is a paraphrase with prenote \autocite[siehe hierzu auch][]{A01}
This is a paraphrase \autocite{A01}
This is a paraphrase \autocite{A01}
This is a paraphrase \autocites{A01}{A01} % Added by Philip
This is a paraphrase \autocites{A01}{A01} % Added by Philip
\cquotation{This is a short direct quotation. \autocite{A01}}
This is a paraphrase \autocite{A01}
\footnote{This is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is a \cquotation{This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation. This is a long direct quotation. This is a long direct
quotation.\autocite{A01}} This is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is aThis is a }