

嗨,我正在尝试制作一个横向表格,该表格占用多个页面。我使用longtable横向模式来执行此操作。一切都编译正常,但由于某种原因,我的第 3 列和第 4 列之间有一个很大的空白。我想删除空白并移动所有其他列。这将在表格末尾创建一些空白。以下是代码:

\caption[Photometry Source List]{Photometry for all Sources found in PID 36} \\

%This is the header for the first page of the table...
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{\#}} &
   \multicolumn{1}{p{0.75in}}{\textbf{RA}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{p{0.75in}}{\textbf{DEC}} &
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$m_{3.6}$}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\sigma_{3.6}$}} &
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$m_{4.5}$}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\sigma_{4.5}$}} &
         \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$m_{5.8}$}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\sigma_{5.8}$}} &
         \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$m_{8.0}$}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\sigma_{8.0}$}} &
        \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\alpha_{IRAC}$}}    &
         \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Class}}      \\ \hline

%This is the header for the remaining page(s) of the table...
{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{\#}} &
   \multicolumn{1}{p{0.75in}}{\textbf{RA}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{p{0.75in}}{\textbf{DEC}} &
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$m_{3.6}$}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\sigma_{3.6}$}} &
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$m_{4.5}$}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\sigma_{4.5}$}} &
         \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$m_{5.8}$}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\sigma_{5.8}$}} &
         \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$m_{8.0}$}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\sigma_{8.0}$}}  &
         \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{$\alpha_{IRAC}$}}    &
                  \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Class}}      \\ \hline

\hline \hline

     1&3:44:07.70&32:05:05.58&    11.77&     0.04&    11.95&     0.01&    13.01&     0.10&    11.22&     0.05&    -2.50&III\\
       2&3:44:06.16&32:07:07.08&    11.45&     0.03&    11.47&     0.01&    11.41&     0.03&    11.32&     0.05&    -2.68&III\\
       3&3:44:05.31&32:08:02.97&    12.46&     0.04&    12.62&     0.02&    12.65&     0.03&    12.18&     0.20&    -2.52&III\\
       4&3:44:04.24&32:09:38.55&    12.48&     0.04&    12.62&     0.02&    12.68&     0.03&    12.98&     0.06&    -3.39&III\\
       5&3:44:08.04&32:06:56.49&    11.61&     0.03&    11.59&     0.01&    11.61&     0.03&    11.03&     0.08&    -2.21&III\\
       6&3:44:05.67&32:10:44.97&    14.19&     0.09&    14.33&     0.04&    14.15&     0.06&    13.27&     0.13&    -1.76&II\\
       7&3:44:10.21&32:07:34.59&    12.42&     0.04&    12.32&     0.01&    12.10&     0.03&    11.83&     0.08&    -2.14&III\\
       8&3:44:11.19&32:08:16.42&    11.44&     0.03&    11.21&     0.01&    11.15&     0.01&    11.25&     0.05&    -2.64&III\\
       9&3:44:09.98&32:09:41.83&    12.68&     0.04&    12.85&     0.02&    12.84&     0.04&    12.35&     0.07&    -2.45&III\\
      10&3:44:16.53&32:05:32.97&    11.11&     0.02&    11.10&     0.01&    10.94&     0.02&    11.05&     0.03&    -2.72&III\\
      11&3:44:13.26&32:09:07.62&    14.61&     0.11&    14.37&     0.04&    14.49&     0.08&    13.40&     0.20&    -1.56&II\\
      12&3:44:17.76&32:04:47.62&    11.41&     0.03&    11.28&     0.01&    11.21&     0.02&    11.26&     0.04&    -2.67&III\\
      13&3:44:12.75&32:10:55.31&    12.91&     0.05&    12.99&     0.02&    12.96&     0.05&    12.79&     0.16&    -2.69&III\\
      14&3:44:15.56&32:09:22.01&    12.60&     0.04&    12.69&     0.02&    12.65&     0.04&    12.88&     0.13&    -3.12&III\\
      15&3:44:18.24&32:07:32.66&    11.91&     0.03&    11.95&     0.01&    11.82&     0.02&    11.37&     0.03&    -2.21&III\\
      16&3:44:21.24&32:05:02.48&    11.11&     0.02&    10.97&     0.01&    11.04&     0.03&    11.43&     0.13&    -3.23&III\\
      17&3:44:20.00&32:06:45.54&    11.69&     0.03&    11.81&     0.01&    11.91&     0.03&    12.57&     0.11&    -3.83&III\\
      18&3:44:21.68&32:06:24.91&    11.18&     0.02&    11.01&     0.01&    11.00&     0.03&    10.78&     0.08&    -2.40&III\\
      19&3:44:18.84&32:11:33.68&    14.12&     0.09&    14.21&     0.04&    13.86&     0.12&    12.13&     0.11&    -0.54&II\\
      20&3:44:23.65&32:07:11.74&    12.74&     0.05&    12.89&     0.02&    12.85&     0.04&    12.59&     0.16&    -2.64&III\\
      21&3:44:23.57&32:09:34.06&    11.80&     0.03&    11.56&     0.01&    11.39&     0.02&    10.98&     0.03&    -1.92&III\\
      22&3:44:21.18&32:12:36.58&    11.67&     0.03&    11.46&     0.01&    11.32&     0.02&    10.94&     0.04&    -2.01&III\\
      23&3:44:21.72&32:12:31.32&    11.71&     0.03&    11.44&     0.01&    11.56&     0.02&    11.87&     0.08&    -3.08&III\\
      24&3:44:27.31&32:07:17.64&    12.69&     0.04&    12.71&     0.02&    12.62&     0.07&    11.86&     0.16&    -1.89&III\\
      25&3:44:22.95&32:11:57.76&    11.33&     0.03&    11.04&     0.01&    11.12&     0.02&    11.28&     0.06&    -2.83&III\\
      26&3:44:25.71&32:09:06.07&    12.45&     0.04&    12.68&     0.02&    12.46&     0.06&    12.07&     0.16&    -2.34&III\\
      27&3:44:23.74&32:11:56.11&    12.79&     0.05&    12.85&     0.02&    13.11&     0.04&    12.16&     0.04&    -2.21&III\\
      28&3:44:29.67&32:05:52.36&    11.83&     0.03&    11.94&     0.01&    11.78&     0.04&    11.49&     0.08&    -2.41&III\\
      29&3:44:29.11&32:07:51.07&    11.69&     0.03&    11.60&     0.01&    11.68&     0.03&    12.02&     0.18&    -3.23&III\\
      30&3:44:30.48&32:06:29.34&    11.32&     0.03&    11.22&     0.01&    11.22&     0.04&    11.01&     0.12&    -2.50&III\\



在后续页面的页眉中,您使用仅跨越前 3 列的长文本:

{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\



{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\





\caption[Photometry Source List]{Photometry for all Sources found in PID 36} \\

%This is the header for the first page of the table...
   \textbf{\#} & \textbf{RA} & \textbf{DEC} & \textbf{$m_{3.6}$} & \textbf{$\sigma_{3.6}$} &
   \textbf{$m_{4.5}$} & \textbf{$\sigma_{4.5}$} & \textbf{$m_{5.8}$} & \textbf{$\sigma_{5.8}$} &
   \textbf{$m_{8.0}$} & \textbf{$\sigma_{8.0}$} & \textbf{$\alpha_{IRAC}$} & \textbf{Class} \\ \hline

%This is the header for the remaining page(s) of the table...
{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
   \textbf{\#} & \textbf{RA} & \textbf{DEC} & \textbf{$m_{3.6}$} & \textbf{$\sigma_{3.6}$} &
   \textbf{$m_{4.5}$} & \textbf{$\sigma_{4.5}$} & \textbf{$m_{5.8}$} & \textbf{$\sigma_{5.8}$} &
   \textbf{$m_{8.0}$} & \textbf{$\sigma_{8.0}$} & \textbf{$\alpha_{IRAC}$} & \textbf{Class} \\ \hline

\hline \hline

     1&3:44:07.70&32:05:05.58&    11.77&     0.04&    11.95&     0.01&    13.01&     0.10&    11.22&     0.05&    -2.50&III\\
       2&3:44:06.16&32:07:07.08&    11.45&     0.03&    11.47&     0.01&    11.41&     0.03&    11.32&     0.05&    -2.68&III\\
       3&3:44:05.31&32:08:02.97&    12.46&     0.04&    12.62&     0.02&    12.65&     0.03&    12.18&     0.20&    -2.52&III\\
       4&3:44:04.24&32:09:38.55&    12.48&     0.04&    12.62&     0.02&    12.68&     0.03&    12.98&     0.06&    -3.39&III\\
       5&3:44:08.04&32:06:56.49&    11.61&     0.03&    11.59&     0.01&    11.61&     0.03&    11.03&     0.08&    -2.21&III\\
       6&3:44:05.67&32:10:44.97&    14.19&     0.09&    14.33&     0.04&    14.15&     0.06&    13.27&     0.13&    -1.76&II\\
       7&3:44:10.21&32:07:34.59&    12.42&     0.04&    12.32&     0.01&    12.10&     0.03&    11.83&     0.08&    -2.14&III\\
       8&3:44:11.19&32:08:16.42&    11.44&     0.03&    11.21&     0.01&    11.15&     0.01&    11.25&     0.05&    -2.64&III\\
       9&3:44:09.98&32:09:41.83&    12.68&     0.04&    12.85&     0.02&    12.84&     0.04&    12.35&     0.07&    -2.45&III\\
      10&3:44:16.53&32:05:32.97&    11.11&     0.02&    11.10&     0.01&    10.94&     0.02&    11.05&     0.03&    -2.72&III\\
      11&3:44:13.26&32:09:07.62&    14.61&     0.11&    14.37&     0.04&    14.49&     0.08&    13.40&     0.20&    -1.56&II\\
      12&3:44:17.76&32:04:47.62&    11.41&     0.03&    11.28&     0.01&    11.21&     0.02&    11.26&     0.04&    -2.67&III\\
      13&3:44:12.75&32:10:55.31&    12.91&     0.05&    12.99&     0.02&    12.96&     0.05&    12.79&     0.16&    -2.69&III\\
      14&3:44:15.56&32:09:22.01&    12.60&     0.04&    12.69&     0.02&    12.65&     0.04&    12.88&     0.13&    -3.12&III\\
      15&3:44:18.24&32:07:32.66&    11.91&     0.03&    11.95&     0.01&    11.82&     0.02&    11.37&     0.03&    -2.21&III\\
      16&3:44:21.24&32:05:02.48&    11.11&     0.02&    10.97&     0.01&    11.04&     0.03&    11.43&     0.13&    -3.23&III\\
      17&3:44:20.00&32:06:45.54&    11.69&     0.03&    11.81&     0.01&    11.91&     0.03&    12.57&     0.11&    -3.83&III\\
      18&3:44:21.68&32:06:24.91&    11.18&     0.02&    11.01&     0.01&    11.00&     0.03&    10.78&     0.08&    -2.40&III\\
      19&3:44:18.84&32:11:33.68&    14.12&     0.09&    14.21&     0.04&    13.86&     0.12&    12.13&     0.11&    -0.54&II\\
      20&3:44:23.65&32:07:11.74&    12.74&     0.05&    12.89&     0.02&    12.85&     0.04&    12.59&     0.16&    -2.64&III\\
      21&3:44:23.57&32:09:34.06&    11.80&     0.03&    11.56&     0.01&    11.39&     0.02&    10.98&     0.03&    -1.92&III\\
      22&3:44:21.18&32:12:36.58&    11.67&     0.03&    11.46&     0.01&    11.32&     0.02&    10.94&     0.04&    -2.01&III\\
      23&3:44:21.72&32:12:31.32&    11.71&     0.03&    11.44&     0.01&    11.56&     0.02&    11.87&     0.08&    -3.08&III\\
      24&3:44:27.31&32:07:17.64&    12.69&     0.04&    12.71&     0.02&    12.62&     0.07&    11.86&     0.16&    -1.89&III\\
      25&3:44:22.95&32:11:57.76&    11.33&     0.03&    11.04&     0.01&    11.12&     0.02&    11.28&     0.06&    -2.83&III\\
      26&3:44:25.71&32:09:06.07&    12.45&     0.04&    12.68&     0.02&    12.46&     0.06&    12.07&     0.16&    -2.34&III\\
      27&3:44:23.74&32:11:56.11&    12.79&     0.05&    12.85&     0.02&    13.11&     0.04&    12.16&     0.04&    -2.21&III\\
      28&3:44:29.67&32:05:52.36&    11.83&     0.03&    11.94&     0.01&    11.78&     0.04&    11.49&     0.08&    -2.41&III\\
      29&3:44:29.11&32:07:51.07&    11.69&     0.03&    11.60&     0.01&    11.68&     0.03&    12.02&     0.18&    -3.23&III\\
      30&3:44:30.48&32:06:29.34&    11.32&     0.03&    11.22&     0.01&    11.22&     0.04&    11.01&     0.12&    -2.50&III\\




