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\caption{Implied Cost of Funds}

\multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{Beginning Market Value}}\\
Principal Proceeds & \$ &1,028,437 & $\text{\$1,000,000} \times \text{\$102-27}$ \\
Accrued Interest & \$ &1,986 & 13 days accrued interest @ 5.50\%\\
\circled{1} \textbf{Market Value} &\$& 1,030,424 & Total proceeds on the "roll out" date \\

\multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{Future Value} - \textit{Pmts. Received}}\\
Coupon Income Received & \$& 4,583 & Interest earned @ 5.50\%  based on 30/360\\
Scheduled Principal Received & \$ &1,070 & Scheduled principal paid\\
Prepaid Principal Received & \$ & 29,254 & Prepaid Principal Received @ 30 CPR\\
Total Payments Received & \$& 34,907 & Expected payments (remittance date)\\
\circled{2} \textbf{Disc. value of the carry} & \$ & 34,911 & Present value of the payments received\\
&&&assuming the alternate financing rate (0.31\%) \\
&&&and using actual day count (13 days) - act/360 - \\
&&& on the "roll in" date.\\ 

Remaining principal balance & \$ & 969,676 & Remaining current balance\\
Principal proceeds   & \$ & 993,615 & Remaining balance $\times$ \$102-15\\
Accrued Interest & \$ & 1,807 & 12 days of accrued interest\\
Roll in proceeds &  \$ & 995,422 & Roll in proceeds\\
\circled{3}Future Value of principal and carry & \$ & 1,030,333 & Total amount financed\\

Future value \circled{3} & \$ &  \$1,030,333 &\\
Less Market Value \circled{1} & \$ & \$ 1,030,424 & \\
Implied cost of financing &\$ & -\$91 &\\
\circled{4} \textbf{Implied cost of funds} && -0.106\% &  (-\$91 $\div$ \$ 969,676) $\times$ 100 \\




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\usepackage[showframe, nomarginpar]{geometry}
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\caption{Implied Cost of Funds}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}l @{\qquad\$\:}r @{\qquad}S{X}@{}}
\textbf{Beginning Market Value}\\
Principal Proceeds &1,028,437 & $\text{\$1,000,000}  ×  \text{\$102-27}$ \\
Accrued Interest &1,986 & 13 days accrued interest @ 5.50\%\\
\circled{1} \textbf{Market Value} & 1,030,424 & Total proceeds on the "roll out" date \\
\textbf{Future Value} -- \textit{Pmts. Received}\\
Coupon Income Received & 4,583 & Interest earned @ 5.50\%  based on 30/360\\
Scheduled Principal Received &1,070 & Scheduled principal paid\\
Prepaid Principal Received & 29,254 & Prepaid Principal Received @ 30 CPR\\
Total Payments Received & 34,907 & Expected payments (remittance date)\\
\circled{2} \textbf{Disc. value of the carry} & 34,911
& Present value of the payments received assuming the alternate financing rate (0.31\%)
 and using actual day count (13 days) - act/360 -  on the "roll in" date.\\
Remaining principal balance & 969,676 & Remaining current balance\\
Principal proceeds   & 993,615 & Remaining balance $ × $ \$102-15\\
Accrued Interest & 1,807 & 12 days of accrued interest\\
Roll in proceeds & 995,422 & Roll in proceeds\\
\circled{3} Future Value of principal and carry & 1,030,333 & Total amount financed\\
Future value \circled{3} & 1,030,333 \\%
Less Market Value \circled{1} & 1,030,424 \\
Implied cost of financing & -91 \\%
\multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{\circled{4} \textbf{Implied cost of funds}} &\multicolumn{1}{@{}c@{}}{ -0.106\%} &  (-\$91 $\div$ \$ 969,676) $ × $ 100  \\


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