\geometry{paperwidth=170mm, paperheight=240mm, left=42pt, top=40pt, textwidth=280pt, marginparsep=20pt, marginparwidth=100pt, textheight=560pt, footskip=40pt}
\caption{A small rectangle put in the margin.\label{rectangle}}%
\caption{An even larger rectangle. This is the widest figure option. Both, the text as well as the margin width are used for the diagram.}
\caption{A small rectangle put in the margin.\label{rectangle2}}%
\caption{An even larger rectangle. This is the widest figure option. Both, the text as well as the margin width are used for the diagram.}
\geometry{paperwidth=170mm, paperheight=240mm, left=42pt, top=40pt, textwidth=280pt, marginparsep=20pt, marginparwidth=100pt, textheight=560pt, footskip=40pt}
% \checkoddpage%
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%% or
\caption{A small rectangle put in the margin.\label{rectangle}}%
\caption{An even larger rectangle. This is the widest figure option. Both, the text as well as the margin width are used for the diagram.}
\caption{A small rectangle put in the margin.\label{rectangle2}}%
\caption{An even larger rectangle. This is the widest figure option. Both, the text as well as the margin width are used for the diagram.}