缩放 pgfplots 匹配纸张大小

缩放 pgfplots 匹配纸张大小




\RequirePackage{fix-cm} % Improves appearance of some cm-super fonts
\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}    % warns about some obsolete latex constructs
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ading,   % use table headings with correct spacing
   fleqn                % float equations to left margin
          % 1,5er Zeilenabstand
]{scrbook}[2007/12/24]  % scrbook-Version min. v2.98 from 2007/12/24

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}    % change to your encoding (e.g. utf8)
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%                                 % check the resulting pdf-file: fonts should been embedded, subsetted and of type 1 (NOT type 3!)
\usepackage[intlimits]{amsmath}  % place the subscripts and superscripts in the right position
\usepackage{amsfonts}            % additional fonts like \mathbb, \mathfrak
\usepackage{amssymb}             % additional symbols
\usepackage{url}                 % support for urls
\newcommand{\grad}{\ensuremath{^\circ}} %Grad

%\usepackage{ngerman}             % new german orthography
\usepackage{scrpage2}            % head and foot layout
\usepackage{ushort}              % complex values require an underline (use \ushort or \ushortw)
\usepackage{units}               % package for setting units in a typographically correct way (e.g. \unit[3]{cm})
\usepackage{booktabs}            % package provides additional commands to enhance the quality of tables
\usepackage{datetime}            % provides \pdfdate command


\usepackage{setspace}            % Anderthalbzeiliger Zeilenabstand
\addtolength{\headheight}{3pt} %test Warning using a very small headheight

\numberwithin{equation}{section} % amsmath: numbering equations

\pagestyle{scrheadings}          % enable scrheadings layout for head and foot

%Fußnoten nicht eingerückt

 % non pdflatex settings (normal latex compiler assumed)
 % different settings for the pdflatex compiler
 \usepackage{epstopdf}           % enables automatic conversion from .eps to .pdf graphic files; run MikTeX as "latex --enable-write18"
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    /ModDate      (D:\pdfdate)


            grid style={dashed}}

Jahr    Geburten    Sterbefaelle
1602    11  1
1603    20  6
1604    19  6
1605    23  11
1606    18  7
1607    20  6
1608    27  8
1609    21  3
1610    15  84
1611    {}  {}
1612    24  4
1613    28  9
1614    28  3
1615    13  {}
1616    22  5
1617    21  {}
1618    24  5
1619    24  4
1620    5   2
1621    13  3
1622    14  8
1623    15  2
1624    17  1
1625    14  2
1626    14  3
1627    6   1
1628    16  1
1629    15  1
1630    8   5
1631    15  6
1632    7   2
1633    12  13
1634    11  17
1635    1   79
1636    10  38
1637    13  11
1638    1   21
1639    8   4
1640    7   1
1641    5   5
1642    11  1
1643    6   1
1644    17  3
1645    22  2
1646    24  5
1647    22  2
1648    29  5
1649    13  4
1650    27  7

            title={Bevölkerungsentwicklung zwischen 1600 und 1650},
            x tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep=},
            y tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep=},
            extra y ticks={84, 79},
            extra y tick labels={{84},{79}},
            extra y tick style={grid=major,
                tick label style={xshift=-1cm}},
            enlarge x limits=0.01,
            bar width=5pt]

    \addplot table[x=Jahr, y=Geburten] {\loadedtable};
    \addplot table[x=Jahr, y=Sterbefaelle] {\loadedtable};   
    \legend{Geburten, Sterbefaelle} 






\RequirePackage{fix-cm} % Improves appearance of some cm-super fonts
\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}    % warns about some obsolete latex constructs
   12pt,                % font size 12pt
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   openany,             % chapters may start on even and odd pages
   bibliography=totoc,            % put bibliography into table of contents
   numbers=noenddot,    % chapter numbers without full stop
   headlines=2.1,       %test overfull
ading,   % use table headings with correct spacing
   fleqn                % float equations to left margin
          % 1,5er Zeilenabstand
]{scrbook}[2007/12/24]  % scrbook-Version min. v2.98 from 2007/12/24

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}    % change to your encoding (e.g. utf8)
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % correct pdf output (correct umlaut charaters)
\usepackage{lmodern}             % fonts for pdf-file creation (use Type1 instead of Type3) - only needed, if cmsuper is not installed
%                                 % check the resulting pdf-file: fonts should been embedded, subsetted and of type 1 (NOT type 3!)
\usepackage[intlimits]{amsmath}  % place the subscripts and superscripts in the right position
\usepackage{amsfonts}            % additional fonts like \mathbb, \mathfrak
\usepackage{amssymb}             % additional symbols
\usepackage{url}                 % support for urls
\newcommand{\grad}{\ensuremath{^\circ}} %Grad

%\usepackage{ngerman}             % new german orthography
\usepackage{scrpage2}            % head and foot layout
\usepackage{ushort}              % complex values require an underline (use \ushort or \ushortw)
\usepackage{units}               % package for setting units in a typographically correct way (e.g. \unit[3]{cm})
\usepackage{booktabs}            % package provides additional commands to enhance the quality of tables
\usepackage{datetime}            % provides \pdfdate command


\usepackage{setspace}            % Anderthalbzeiliger Zeilenabstand
\addtolength{\headheight}{3pt} %test Warning using a very small headheight

\numberwithin{equation}{section} % amsmath: numbering equations

\pagestyle{scrheadings}          % enable scrheadings layout for head and foot

%Fußnoten nicht eingerückt

 % non pdflatex settings (normal latex compiler assumed)
 % different settings for the pdflatex compiler
 \usepackage{epstopdf}           % enables automatic conversion from .eps to .pdf graphic files; run MikTeX as "latex --enable-write18"
    /CreationDate (D:20050518110000) % date format is year(4) month(2) day(2) hour(2) minute(2) second(2)
    /ModDate      (D:\pdfdate)


            grid style={dashed},

Jahr    Geburten    Sterbefaelle
1602    11  1
1603    20  6
1604    19  6
1605    23  11
1606    18  7
1607    20  6
1608    27  8
1609    21  3
1610    15  84
1611    {}  {}
1612    24  4
1613    28  9
1614    28  3
1615    13  {}
1616    22  5
1617    21  {}
1618    24  5
1619    24  4
1620    5   2
1621    13  3
1622    14  8
1623    15  2
1624    17  1
1625    14  2
1626    14  3
1627    6   1
1628    16  1
1629    15  1
1630    8   5
1631    15  6
1632    7   2
1633    12  13
1634    11  17
1635    1   79
1636    10  38
1637    13  11
1638    1   21
1639    8   4
1640    7   1
1641    5   5
1642    11  1
1643    6   1
1644    17  3
1645    22  2
1646    24  5
1647    22  2
1648    29  5
1649    13  4
1650    27  7

            title={Bevölkerungsentwicklung zwischen 1600 und 1650},
            x tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep=},
            y tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep=},
            extra y ticks={84, 79},
            extra y tick labels={{84},{79}},
            extra y tick style={grid=major,
                tick label style={xshift=-1cm}},
            enlarge x limits=0.01,
            bar width=5pt]

    \addplot table[x=Jahr, y=Geburten] {\loadedtable};
    \addplot table[x=Jahr, y=Sterbefaelle] {\loadedtable};
    \legend{Geburten, Sterbefaelle}



另一个选择是使用“tikzscale 包。但在这里你必须将你的图作为单独的文件。即保存

your plot.



