我现在有点不知所措。我想要一个像下面这样的表格(在 Word 中快速绘制,我不希望显示垂直线 - 我正在使用 booktabs)。我制作这样一个表格的原因是为了总结文献综述的结果,我将研究按类别(例如颜色或音乐)分开。另外,我希望“引用”列的列宽比“样本”和“环境”列稍大,但小于“结论”列,后者应该是最大的。请注意,白色文本和黑色背景是不是我想要的配色方案。我不确定 Latex 中的颜色选项,但背景颜色可以很好地搭配黑色文字可以的——浅灰色吧?
我开始用乳胶写一些东西(所以它是不是一个 MWE),但我就是卡住了。我已经包含了 xcolor 的包,因为我的谷歌搜索揭示了如何填充行和列,而且我确信我的最终表格将跨越多页。另外,如果“颜色”和“音乐”‘子标题’之间有线条(相同粗细),会不会更好?可能不会。
\usepackage{booktabs, xcolor, longtable}
Citation & Sample & Environment & Conclusion
显示这样的东西可能不是一个好主意,但如何使用 LaTeX 来实现这一点是有答案的。
\usepackage{booktabs, longtable,array}
Citation & Sample & Environment & Conclusion\\\midrule
Some name and some year in parenthesis & 300 adults & Furniture store & This is some long text that doen't really conclude in a single line\\\midrule
Some name and some year in parenthesis & 300 adults & Furniture store & This is some long text that doen't really conclude in a single line\\
\subsection{Summary of references}
[Explain the standard layout of each summarized reference.]
\subsubsection{References about colour}
\item Bellizzi, et. al. (1983) -- 125 adults -- furniture store
Warm and cool colours created different emotional responses.
Customers view red detail environments as more negative and less pleasant
than blue.
\item Smith and Jones (1977) -- 103 dogs -- pet shop
A service-oriented paradigm is further compounded when taking into account the
evolution of specifications over a given time period.
\subsubsection{References about music}
\item Some name (1902) -- 300 adults -- Furniture store
This is some long text that doesn't really conclude in a single line, and so we
set it as a paragraph below.
\item And so on
<讽刺> 另一方面,如果你想要充实你的报告,那么留有大量空白的表格是一个不错的选择。管理顾问靠这样做赚了很多钱。</讽刺>