Citation `Gerchak1994' on page 3 undefined
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%\documentclass[12pt,shieldcrest]{ociamthesis} % use older shield crest logo
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\usepackage{hyperref} % use for hypertext links, including those to external documents and URLs
%input macros (i.e. write your own macros file called mymacros.tex
%and uncomment the next line)
\title{} %your thesis title,
%note \\[1ex] is a line break in the title
\author{} %your name
\college{} %your college
%\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{change the default text here if needed}
\degree{} %the degree
\degreedate{} %the degree date
%end the preamble and start the document
%this baselineskip gives sufficient line spacing for an examiner to easily
%markup the thesis with comments
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%set the number of sectioning levels that get number and appear in the contents
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\include{dedication} % include a dedication.tex file
\include{acknowlegements} % include an acknowledgements.tex file
%\include{abstract} % include the abstract
\begin{romanpages} % start roman page numbering
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\end{romanpages} % end roman page numbering
%now include the files of latex for each of the chapters etc
%now enable appendix numbering format and include any appendices
%next line adds the Bibliography to the contents page
%uncomment next line to change bibliography name to references
\bibliographystyle{ormsv080} %use the plain bibliography style
\bibliography{REF_SHELFSPACE} %use a bibtex bibliography file refs.bib
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set name=Abschlussarbeit
set latex_cmd=-synctex=-1 -max-print-line=120 -interaction=nonstopmode %name%.tex
pdflatex %latex_cmd%
bibtex %name%
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makeindex -s %name%.ist -t %name%.alg -o %name%.acr %name%.acn
makeindex -s %name%.ist -t %name%.glg -o %name%.gls %name%.glo
makeindex -s %name%.ist -t %name%.slg -o %name%.syi %name%.syg
pdflatex %latex_cmd%