%The document class produces a style for the document. %Most papers work fine with the next one.
%For letter style see the letter document on the website.
% For presentations, see a beamer document on the website. %
%The next commands are for latex packages which we sometimes use. %
%COMMENT: The next 2 software packages are only for presentations. %
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
%The following commands are not for presentations!
%These commands are for creating margins, text width, text length %and double spacing for papers.
%\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{10pt} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{10pt} %\setlength{\textwidth}{430pt}
%\textwidth 15cm
%\oddsidemargin .2cm \evensidemargin .2cm
%\textheight 20cm
%\topmargin -.3cm
%These commands are for colors for papers and presentations. %Note that \rrr makes RED, %\bbb makes BLUE,
%\ppp makes PURPLE and \ggg makes GREEN.
\definecolor{r}{rgb}{.6,0,.3} \definecolor{y}{rgb}{.9,.99,.9} \newcommand{\rrr}{\textcolor{rr}} \newcommand{\bbb}{\textcolor{b}} \newcommand{\ppp}{\textcolor{pp}} \renewcommand{\ggg}{\textcolor{g}} \newcommand{\grr}{\ggg} \newcommand{\bbl}{\bbb}
%The next commands are abbreviations used frequently % especially in multi-variable calculus.
\newcommand{\vr}{{\ppp{\bf r}}} \newcommand{\va}{\ppp{\bf a}} \newcommand{\vi}{{\rrr{\bf i}}} \newcommand{\vj}{{\rrr{\bf j}}} \newcommand{\vk}{{\rrr{\bf k}}} \newcommand{\vu}{\rrr{\bf u}} \newcommand{\vb}{\bbb{\bf b}} \newcommand{\vv}{\bbl{\bf v}} \newcommand{\vn}{{\ppp{\bf n}}} \newcommand{\vw}{\ppp{\bf w}} \newcommand{\rR}{\rrr{\bf R}} \newcommand{\rA}{{\rrr{\bf A}}} \newcommand{\rrth}{{\bf \rR}^{\bf 3}} \newcommand{\rrtw}{{\bf \rR}^{\bf 2}} \renewcommand{\v}{\overset{\longrightarrow}}
%The next 3 commands are for negative spacing and are %used frequently in presentations. \newcommand{\vsp}{\vspace{-.1cm}} \newcommand{\vs}{\vspace{-.2cm}} \newcommand{\vspa}{\vspace{-.3cm}}
%These commands are for papers only.
%(for presentations, they need to be commented out).
%They create numbered theorems and other numbered objects like definitions % The ``section'' part produces numbering by section.
%If you remove that part, then the section number %where the "theorem" is located will not appear
%in the numbering of the statement of the "theorem". %
%\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] \newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{Definition} %\newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section]
%Some commands mostly for presentations. %
\newtheorem{conjecture}{Conjecture} \newtheorem{history}{\large History} \newtheorem{question}[theorem]{Question} \newtheorem{Case}{Case} \newtheorem{notation}{Notation}
%H.SHORTHANDS \def and \newcommand.
%The command \def is used create abbreviations for
%frequently used symbols like the math symbol for capital R
%that we use to denote the real numbers or the Greek letter theta.
%For longer abbreviations or commands, we usually use the command %\newcommand. For example, instead of typing \end{document}
%I usually type \ed instead.
%It may not be a good idea to use too many of
%these abbreviations if someone else (a coauthor) is
%reading your tex document, they may not understand.
\newcommand{\ben}{\begin{enumerate}} \newcommand{\bit}{\begin{itemize}} \newcommand{\een}{\end{enumerate}} \newcommand{\eit}{\end{itemize}} \newcommand{\ed}{\end{document}}
%X. GRAY shaded BLOCKS in presentations.
%The next 2 commands are for creating gray shaded blocks in presentations. \newcommand{\bblock}{\begin{block}} \newcommand{\eblock}{\end{block}}
\begin{exampleblock}{Example (This is a very popular midterm exam problem)}
Find an \textcolor{b}{equation of the plane} which contains the points \\
$P(-1,2,1)$, $Q(1,-2,1)$, and $R(1,1,-1)$.
\bf\Large Method 1
\item A
\item B
\item C
\begin{frame}{A nice slide}
\begin{exampleblock}{This is an example}
Some text
\item A
\item B
\item C