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\author{Peter Vanvoorden\supit{*}\\ \vspace*{0.25cm}
\small{\supit{*}Master student $<$Biochemical Engineering$>$, GROUP T - Leuven Engineering College, Vesaliusstraat 13, 3000 Leuven \\ \vspace*{1.5cm}
Supervisor(s): $<$Koen Pelsmaekers$>$ \\
Unit $<$Informatietechnologie$>$, GROUP T - Leuven Engineering College, Vesaliusstraat 13, 3000 Leuven, $<$\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}$>$} \\ \vspace*{1em}
Co-supervisor(s): $<$Stijn De Jonge\supit{1}, Dries Haeseldonckx\supit{2}, Nicolas Dosselaere\supit{3}$>$\\
Coöperatief Ondernemen in Rationeel Energiegebruik (CORE) cvba-so, Naamsestraat 96, 3000 Leuven - Belgium\supit{1,2}\\ Nazka Mapps bvba, Ravesteinstraat 48A, 3191 Hever - Belgium\supit{3}
Focusing on Belgium, statistics from \citeA{tradeco} point out that currently 97.51 \% of its population is living in urban areas while less than 1\% of them is connected to a DH network \cite{Euroheat1}. A study of \citeA{Santens} recapitulates the causes for this low adaptivity to three major categories: Economical, Institutional and Carbon-dioxide/Price related barriers. Within these, most emphasis is placed on following topics which could be considered potential fields of improvement: uncertainty of stable profits, non-recoverable costs in terms of existing individual and distribution infrastructure, a low priority and engagement from local governments, and the low availability of data concerning heat demand and heat supply.\\