如何使用 .cls 文件增加边距

如何使用 .cls 文件增加边距

抱歉,这是一个简单的问题(对于 Latex 来说相对较新!),但是我对这个试图理解的预先完成的 .cls 文件感到有点困惑。

我正在尝试减少 A4 文档的边距,因为目前间隙很大,想知道是否有人可以说明我可以/应该进行哪些更改?


% Font size, this option is passed to book class. T.G. : use regular, 10- to 12-
% point size for text. Default is 12pt.

% Left side margin. 
% [1.5in], [1.7in]
% T.G. : the left margin must be at least 1.5 inches (recommend 1.7). default is
% 1.7, unless [1.5in] is specified.


% One and half or double spacing?
% [onehalf], [double]
% T.G. : use either double or 1.5 line spacing for the body of text. default is
% double, unless [onehalf] is specified.

% Draft or final version?
% [preprint], [submission]
% Default is submission.


% [seploa]

% Other options are passed to the book class.

% These are the default options.




% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Set up page layout.

% \evensidemargin is used when [twoside] is set (by [preprint]).
% Other margins. T.G.: all other margins must be at least 1 inch.

