这是我根据 TikZ 手册改编的代码。我想做一个农业日历,但我对节点的位置感到困惑。非常感谢您的帮助。谢谢。
\node [text width= 3.4cm] at
($(cal-#1)+(0em, 0em)$) {\textcolor{red}\tiny{#2}};
% A counter, since TikZ is not clever enough (yet) to handle
% arbitrary angle systems.
[transform shape,
every day/.style={anchor=mid,font=\fontsize{6}{6}\selectfont}]
%\node{\normalsize 2012};
\foreach \month in
% Compute angle:
\advance\mycount by -1
\multiply\mycount by 30
\advance\mycount by -90
% The actual calendar
\calendar at (\the\mycount:6cm)
dates=2012-\month-01 to 2012-\month-last, name=cal,
if (day of month=1) {\tikzmonthcode}
if (equals = 2012-11-20) [red]
if (equals = 2012-03-10) [red]
if (all)
% Again, compute angle
\advance\mycount by -\pgfcalendarcurrentday
\multiply\mycount by 11
\advance\mycount by 90
\termin{2012-11-20}{\color{red}Soybean planting}
\termin{2012-03-10}{\color{red}Soybean harvesting}
您可以向 中添加一个参数来termin
定位应用于“大豆种植”,并将 定位right=1.5ex
\node [#1] at
($(cal-#2)+(0em, 0em)$) {\textcolor{red}{#3}};
% A counter, since TikZ is not clever enough (yet) to handle
% arbitrary angle systems.
[transform shape, scale=0.85,
every day/.style={anchor=mid,font=\fontsize{6}{6}\selectfont}]
%\node{\normalsize 2012};
\foreach \month in
% Compute angle:
\advance\mycount by -1
\multiply\mycount by 30
\advance\mycount by -90
% The actual calendar
\calendar at (\the\mycount:6cm)
dates=2012-\month-01 to 2012-\month-last, name=cal,
if (day of month=1) {\tikzmonthcode}
if (equals = 2012-11-20) [red]
if (equals = 2012-03-10) [red]
if (all)
% Again, compute angle
\advance\mycount by -\pgfcalendarcurrentday
\multiply\mycount by 11
\advance\mycount by 90
\termin[left=2.5ex]{2012-11-20}{\color{red}Soybean planting}
\termin[right=1.5ex]{2012-03-10}{\color{red}Soybean harvesting}
\node [align=left,text=red,font=\tiny, #2 =0ex of cal-#1,anchor=#3] {#4};
% A counter, since TikZ is not clever enough (yet) to handle
% arbitrary angle systems.
[transform shape,
every day/.style={anchor=mid,font=\fontsize{6}{6}\selectfont}]
%\node{\normalsize 2012};
\foreach \month in
% Compute angle:
\advance\mycount by -1
\multiply\mycount by 30
\advance\mycount by -90
% The actual calendar
\calendar at (\the\mycount:6cm)
dates=2012-\month-01 to 2012-\month-last, name=cal,
if (day of month=1) {\tikzmonthcode}
if (equals = 2012-11-20) [red]
if (equals = 2012-03-10) [red]
if (all)
% Again, compute angle
\advance\mycount by -\pgfcalendarcurrentday
\multiply\mycount by 11
\advance\mycount by 90
\termin{2012-11-20}{left}{east}{Soybean planting}
\termin{2012-03-10}{right}{west}{Soybean harvesting}