我想在 latex 中进行非独立登录,而不必安装或定义新命令(因为我正在使用 latexIT 并且无法加载新包)。
对于不独立于 Y 的 X,我可以使用什么?例如,像这样:?
$X \not\!\perp\!\!\!\perp Y$
% Taken from http://ctan.org/pkg/centernot
$A \notindependent B^{C \notindependent D^{E \notindependent F}}$
$A \independent B^{C \independent D^{E \independent F}}$
\mathbin{% % The final symbol is a binary math operator
\mathpalette{\@indep}{\not}% \mathpalette helps for the adaptation
% of the symbol to the different math styles.
% #1: math style
% #2: empty or \not
\sbox0{$#1\perp\m@th$}% box 0 contains \perp symbol
\sbox2{$#1=$}% box 2 for the height of =
\sbox4{$#1\vcenter{}$}% box 4 for the height of the math axis
\rlap{\copy0}% first \perp
% The equals symbol is centered around the math axis.
% The following equations are used to calculate the
% right shift of the second \perp:
% [1] ht(equals) - ht(math_axis) = line_width + 0.5 gap
% [2] right_shift(second_perp) = line_width + gap
% The line width is approximated by the default line width of 0.4pt
% {\not} in case of \nindep;
% the braces convert the relational symbol \not to an ordinary
% math object without additional horizontal spacing.
\copy0 % second \perp
\[ A \indep B \nindep C = D \]
\[ \scriptstyle A \indep B \nindep C = D \]
\[ \scriptscriptstyle A \indep B \nindep C = D\]
\mathbin{% % The final symbol is a binary math operator
%\mathpalette{\@indep}{\not}% \mathpalette helps for the adaptation
% of the symbol to the different math styles.
% #1: math style
% #2: empty or \not
\sbox0{$#1\perp\m@th$}% box 0 contains \perp symbol
\sbox2{$#1=$}% box 2 for the height of =
\sbox4{$#1\vcenter{}$}% box 4 for the height of the math axis
\rlap{\copy0}% first \perp
% The equals symbol is centered around the math axis.
% The following equations are used to calculate the
% right shift of the second \perp:
% [1] ht(equals) - ht(math_axis) = line_width + 0.5 gap
% [2] right_shift(second_perp) = line_width + gap
% The line width is approximated by the default line width of 0.4pt
\hbox to \wd2{\hss$#1#2\m@th$\hss}%
\kern-\wd2 %
\copy0 % second \perp
\[ A \indep B \nindep C = D \]
\[ \scriptstyle A \indep B \nindep C = D \]
\[ \scriptscriptstyle A \indep B \nindep C = D\]