Lyx:标题文本与 Toc 中的标题数字重叠

Lyx:标题文本与 Toc 中的标题数字重叠

我正在使用 Lyx,但在目录中遇到了一个问题:标题文本与标题数字重叠。我发现以前有人在这里问过类似的问题,但不幸的是,我仍然无法根据以前的解决方案修复它。我附上了我的 Lyx 文件的源代码,如下所示。提前致谢!

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\section*{Supporting information}


\noindent Ben Groves$^{1}$, Yuan-Jyue Chen$^{1}$, Sergii Pochekailov$^{1}$,
Chiara Zurla$^{2}$, Philip Santangelo$^{2}$, and Georg Seelig$^{1,3}$


\noindent $^{1}$ Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of Washington

\noindent $^{2}$ Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Georgia Tech and Emory University

\noindent $^{3}$ Department of Computer Science \& Engineering, University
of Washington\tableofcontents{}




\section{Effect of covalent modifications on strand exchange kinetics}

test test test\newpage{}

\section{Control of double-stranded strand exchange kinetics by varying toehold
and double-stranded domain length}


\section{In vitro test of different transfection reagents}


\section{Sequential transfection versus co-transfection}


\section{Impact of increasing the length of the double-stranded domain on
reporter activation in cells}


\section{Reporter: sensitivity to spurious targets}


\section{The impact of transfection regime on gate colocalization in cells}


\section{Colocalization of activated reporter with endosome markers}


\section{Circuit performance using different concentrations of nucleic acids}


\section{Stability of double-stranded nucleic acid complexes}


\section{AND logic gate: sensitivity to spurious targets}


\section{OR logic gate based on 3-way strand displacement}


\section{Material and methods}

\subsection{Sequence design}

\subsection{In vitro experiments}

\subsection{In vivo experiments}

\subsection{Melt curves}


\section{Tables of sequences}


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