

我正在尝试从单个文档开始生成求职信。由于我要将同一封信发送给具有不同地址的不同人,因此我认为最好使用此文档作为模板,然后仅更改从另一个文件中提取数据的信息,这与动态 HTML 文档的工作方式非常相似。




\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox


\patchcmd{\makelettertitle}% <cmd>
 {\raggedright \@opening}% <search>
 {\@opening}% <replace>
 {}{}% <success><failure>

  {\bfseries \@firstname~\@familyname}% 
  \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@jobtitle}}{}{\\\@jobtitle}% <-- added to orig. def
    {\color{color2}\itshape\enclname: \@enclosure}}}



\email{[email protected]}     


% Label #001
\newcommand{\addressFirstLine}{Address 1}
\newcommand{\addressSecondLine}{Address 2}
\newcommand{\addressThirdLine}{Address 3}
\newcommand{\theSurname}{ or Madam}
\newcommand{\recipientJob}{News Editor}
\newcommand{\enclosedItems}{one-sheet, demo CD, ''Title'' reviews.}

% Label #002
\newcommand{\addressFirstLine}{Address 1}
\newcommand{\addressSecondLine}{Address 2}
\newcommand{\addressThirdLine}{Address 3}
\newcommand{\theSurname}{ or Madam}
\newcommand{\recipientJob}{News Editor}
\newcommand{\enclosedItems}{one-sheet, demo CD, ''Title'' reviews.}

\jobtitle{Band Leader}




\opening{Dear \theName\theSurname,}
\parskip 11pt

I'm writing to introduce Band, a death metal band in the vein of Death, Cannibal Corpse, and Monstrosity. During the time the band has been active, we have independently-released our first album, "Title,'' which received positive reviews from magazines and international press. We are now willing to take one step ahead and reach a broader audience with our music.

Infection have finished recording a new album entitled "Title.'' Therefore, our band is currently seeking a recording contract with a quality label like \labelName. 

I have enclosed a CD and full press kit. I hope you can give Band's music a listen and consider us for a position on your roster. If you have questions, you can contact me by email at [email protected] or at the address and phone above. Thanks for your time.


我承认我的代码不起作用,但这就是我目前所拥有的。我尝试从此链接改编这个想法: http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3907466



看看这个问题来自数据库的邮件合并文档解决方案是扬尼斯·拉扎里德斯. 讨论mail merge等等。
