是否可以在 LaTeX 中像这样在表格内创建表格?有人可以指导我如何实现这一点吗?谢谢
| >{\ttfamily\raggedright}p{2cm}
| >{\sffamily\raggedright}p{2.5cm}
| >{\sffamily}p{\dimexpr\textwidth-6\tabcolsep-4\fboxsep-4.5cm\relax} |
\rowcolor{gray!20}\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\bfseries\sffamily Name}
& \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\bfseries\sffamily Type}
& \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\bfseries\sffamily Description} \\
& & \\[-2ex]
d\_super & struct disk\_superblock &
| >{\ttfamily\raggedright}p{1.5cm}
| >{\sffamily\raggedright}p{1.5cm}
| >{\sffamily}p{\dimexpr\textwidth-12\tabcolsep-5\fboxsep-7.5cm\relax} |
\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\cellcolor{gray!20}\bfseries Name}
& \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\cellcolor{gray!20}\bfseries Type}
& \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\cellcolor{gray!20}\bfseries Description} \\
magic & char array & magic number used to indicate if file system is generated by our OS \\
magic & char array & magic number used to indicate if file system is generated by our OS \\
\end{tabular} \\[15ex]
ibmap & void\textsuperscript{*} & Pointer to l-Nodes bitmap \\
ibmap & void\textsuperscript{*} & Pointer to l-Nodes bitmap \\
ibmap & void\textsuperscript{*} & Pointer to l-Nodes bitmap \\
\multicolumn{1}{l}{\bfseries\sffamily Name}
& \multicolumn{1}{l}{\bfseries\sffamily Type}
& \multicolumn{1}{l}{\bfseries\sffamily Description} \\
& & \\[-2ex]
d\_super & struct disk\_superblock &
\multicolumn{1}{l}{\bfseries\sffamily Name}
& \multicolumn{1}{l}{\bfseries\sffamily Type}
& \multicolumn{1}{l}{\bfseries\sffamily Description} \\
d\_super & char array & magic number used to indicate if file system is generated by our OS \\
magic & char array & magic number used to indicate if file system is generated by our OS \\
\end{tabular} \\[16.5ex]
ibmap & void\textsuperscript{*} & Pointer to l-Nodes bitmap \\
ibmap & void\textsuperscript{*} & Pointer to l-Nodes bitmap \\
ibmap & void\textsuperscript{*} & Pointer to l-Nodes bitmap \\
毫无问题地嵌套。我这样做是为了创建一个 RPG 角色表,并在 tex.SE 上的好心人的帮助下添加了许多小细节……例如,从文档中摘录一些源代码,翻译和评论以便于阅读……不过截图是原始的德语。而且我现在没有一个独立的、可编译的示例,这是 500 多页的卷的一部分,仅序言就有 12k……
% In the preamble... you *probably* need some packages in addition to
% tabularx for the below to work, but it's inconsequential to the subject
% of tabularx nesting, and I don't have the leisure to turn this into
% a compilable stand-alone
\newcommand{\Top}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}} % strut for \hline above
\newcommand{\Bot}{\rule[-1.2ex]{0pt}{0pt}} % strut for \hline below
% Create an underline as long as the given text would be
% New tabularx column type: C is like X, just centered.
% Making \cellwidth the width of the tabularx cell we are currently in
% --------------------------------------
% In the document...
% --------------------------------------
% Full-width table with three cells, each containing a table in turn
% @{} suppressing padding -- the sub-tables take care of that.
% Cell 1 -- Character description
\textbf{Name:} & \hrulefill\Top{}\\
\textbf{Race:} & \hrulefill\\
\textbf{Height:} & \hrulefill\\
\textbf{Build:} & \hrulefill\\
\textbf{Hair:} & \hrulefill\\
\textbf{Eyes:} & \hrulefill\\
\textbf{Outlook:} & \hrulefill\\
\textbf{Age:} & \hrulefill\Bot{}\\
} & {
% Cell 2 -- Header, Basic stats.
% Actually setting up a sub-sub-table here for the header...
% Inserting a graphical header here, fudging a bit with \rule to get the padding right
% ...and another sub-sub-table for the basic stats.
\textbf{Profession:} & \hrulefill\Top{}\\
\textbf{Power Realm:} & \hrulefill\\
\textbf{Experience:} & \hrulefill\\
\textbf{Level:} & \hrulefill\Bot{}\\
} & {
% Cell 3 -- Languages
\textbf{Language} & \textbf{Spoken} & \textbf{Written}\Top{}\\
\hrulefill & \srule{Spoken} & \srule{Written}\\
\hrulefill & \srule{Spoken} & \srule{Written}\\
\hrulefill & \srule{Spoken} & \srule{Written}\\
\hrulefill & \srule{Spoken} & \srule{Written}\\
\hrulefill & \srule{Spoken} & \srule{Written}\\
\hrulefill & \srule{Spoken} & \srule{Written}\\
\hrulefill & \srule{Spoken} & \srule{Written}\Bot{}\\