我有一个 shell 脚本,它在外部文件中生成大量宏列表,其形式如下:
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name ABC\endcsname{some text ABC 1}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYX\endcsname{some text XYX a}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYZ\endcsname{some text XYZ}
宏的名称基于各个目录中的文件名。由于文件位于不同的目录中,因此它们可以具有相同的名称,在这种情况下 TeX 会出现问题并停止在第一个重复的宏上。
。 但是,我的尝试存在一些问题:
- 它不起作用——所有内容都被报告为重复。
- 的定义文本
%\usepackage{filecontents}% <--- Commented so that foo.tex is not accidentally overwritten.
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name ABC\endcsname{some text ABC 1}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYX\endcsname{some text XYX a}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYZ\endcsname{some text XYZ}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name ABC\endcsname{some text ABC 2}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYX\endcsname{some text XYX b}
\typeout{**** Error: "#1" is a duplicate.}%
\par Error: ``#1" is a duplicate
% \ifcsname{#2}{%
% \stepcounter{ErrorCount}%
% \typeout{**** Error: "#1" is a duplicate.}%
% \par Error: ``#1" is a duplicate
% }{%
% \OldNewcommand[#1]{#2}%
% }%
% -------------
% -------------
\typeout{**** Error: 0.}%
\par All good. No errors.
\typeout{**** Error: Duplicates found.}%
\par Error: \arabic{ErrorCount} duplicates found.
latex 已经在进行检查,因此只需将错误更改为警告并增加:
%\usepackage{filecontents}% <--- Commented so that foo.tex is not accidentally overwritten.
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name ABC\endcsname{some text ABC 1}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYX\endcsname{some text XYX a}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYZ\endcsname{some text XYZ}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name ABC\endcsname{some text ABC 2}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYX\endcsname{some text XYX b}
Command \@backslashchar\reserved@a\space
already defined.\MessageBreak
Or name \@backslashchar\@qend... illegal,
see p.192 of the manual}}
% -------------
% -------------
\typeout{**** Error: 0.}%
\par All good. No errors.
\typeout{**** Error: Duplicates found.}%
\par Error: \theErrorCount{} duplicates found.
而不是。让生活更轻松。如果您确实需要 at 符号,\expandafter\csname...
\@namedef{XX Name ABC}{some text ABC 1}
\@namedef{XX Name XYX}{some text XYX a}
\@namedef{XX Name XYZ}{some text XYZ}
\@namedef{XX Name ABC}{some text ABC 2}
\@namedef{XX Name XYX}{some text XYX b}
\typeout{**** Error: "#1" is a duplicate.}%
\par Error: ``#1" is a duplicate
\typeout{**** Error: 0.}%
\par All good. No errors.
\typeout{**** Error: Duplicates found.}%
\par Error: \arabic{ErrorCount} duplicates found.
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name ABC\endcsname{some text ABC 1}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYX\endcsname{some text XYX a}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYZ\endcsname{some text XYZ}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name ABC\endcsname{some text ABC 2}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname XX Name XYX\endcsname{some text XYX b}
\begingroup \escapechar\m@ne\xdef\@mytempa{{\string#1}}\endgroup
{OK \OldNewcommand{#1}{#2}%
\typeout{**** Error: "\string#1" is a duplicate.}%
\par Error: ``\string#1" is a duplicate
% -------------
% -------------
\typeout{**** Error: 0.}%
\par All good. No errors.
\typeout{**** Error: Duplicates found.}%
\par Error: \arabic{ErrorCount} duplicates found.