我是 LaTeX 和 MiKTeX 的新手,所以答案可能很简单。尝试了几种方法,复制粘贴了一些示例,但还是不行。
.Tex 文件
%First some renames
\excludecomment{comment} %change exclude to include for showing in pdf too
% Article top matter
\date{\today} %\today is replaced with the current date
Some text
\section {Mathematical Equations}
This small document is designed to illustrate how easy it is to create a
well structured document within \cite{north}
%Create the environment for the bibliography. Since there is only one
%reference, set the label width to be one character (I shall follow
%convention as use the number '9'. This is because it helps to remind
%that it is the maximum number of refs that is now permitted by that
\end{document} %End of document.
@string{jpe = "Journal of Political Economy"}
@BOOK{north, % ‘north’ is de door jou gekozen ‘key’
author = {Douglass C. North},
year = 1990,
title = {Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance},
publisher = {Cambridge: Cambridge University Press}
author = {Gary S. Becker},
month = feb,
year = 1962,
title = {Irrational Behavior and Economic Theory},
journal = jpe,
volume = 70,
number = 1,
pages = {1--13}