



%============== For header and footer
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\chead{Paper Title: Modeling Reliability of the Grid}
\lfoot{Copyright \textcopyright 2014 MECS}
\rfoot{\emph{I.J. Computer Network and Information Security}, 2014, vol, issue, pages}
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\lhead{\emph{\textbf{I.J. Computer Network and Information Security}}, 2014, Vol,     issue, pages\\
Published Online Month 2014 in MECS (http://www.mecs-press.org/)\\
DOI: }
\lfoot{Copyright \textcopyright 2014 MECS}
\rfoot{\emph{I.J. Computer Network and Information Security}, 2014, vol, issue, page}
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\title{\vspace{1.3cm}Modeling Reliability of the Grid\vspace{0.5cm}}

\author{\textbf{My name}}
\affil{\vspace{-0.3cm}\small my affiliation and email}

This is abstract

Reliability modeling, Grid computing, Grid site reliability, Network reliability


this is second page
another page

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\fancyfoot[L]{Copyright \textcopyright 2014 MECS}
\fancyfoot[R]{\emph{I.J. Computer Network and Information Security}, 2014, vol, issue, pages}
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        Published Online Month 2014 in MECS (http://www.mecs-press.org/)\\
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\title{\vspace{1.3cm}Modeling Reliability of the Grid\vspace{0.5cm}}

\author{\textbf{My name}}
\affil{\vspace{-0.3cm}\small my affiliation and email}

This is abstract

Reliability modeling, Grid computing, Grid site reliability, Network reliability


this is second page
another page



