如何在横向页面中放置 2 列?1 列用于 1 个图,其他用于评论?

如何在横向页面中放置 2 列?1 列用于 1 个图,其他用于评论?

我怎样才能获得任何类似于该图像的东西? 在此处输入图片描述



This is the 1st page of \jobname, with ONLY 1 col.


And now, in the rigth column, I want to explain the letter A.\\

A is the first letter of the alphabet.
  \item because YES
  \item because B is the 2nd
  \item and finally, because C is the 3rd.

The source document \jobname is OVER with this 1 col page.


- - - - - - - - - - - 或者 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The source document is\jobname.

  % Requires \usepackage{graphicx}
Here are comments about the figure in this page
  \item This is the first
  \item 2nd
  \item and the last



不能\begin{figure}...\end{figure}在 内使用minipage。例如,参见这个问题。我添加了caption包并删除了figure环境。


The source document is \jobname.

Here are comments about the figure in this page
  \item This is the first
  \item 2nd
  \item and the last

