eledpar 中的平行章节

eledpar 中的平行章节

我正在尝试使用 排版两个并行文本eledpar。我希望中的两个文本独立并行运行。我希望有两个独立的目录。当我添加它们时,它们会一个接一个地排版,而不是并行。我怎样才能在 中\chapter制作并行?\chaptereledpar


\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O}
\newfontfamily\hebrewfont[Script=Hebrew]{Linux Libertine O}
\newfontfamily\russianfont[Script=Cyrillic]{Linux Libertine O}    
\newcommand{\mybeginru}{ %
\begin{Leftside} %
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\begin{Rightside} %
\newcommand{\myendru}{ %
\newcommand{\myendhe}{ %


\chapter{המאמר השני}
בפנות התוריות, ר״ל שהם יסודות ועמודים אשר בית אלהים נכון עליהם, ובמציאותם יציר מציאות התורה מסדרת ממנו יתברך, ואלו יציר העדר אחת מהם תפל התורה בכללה חלילה.
\chapter{Трактат Второй}    
О краеугольных [принципах] Торы, имеется ввиду, которые [есть] основы и столпы на которых дом Б-жий опирается/нахон, и с существованием их может быть представлено существование Торы упорядоченной от Него, благословенного, и если бы было представлено отсутствие одного из них — упадет Тора в общем, [Б-же] упаси.






eledmac/eledpar 1.12.0 /1.8.0 版本应该可以帮到你。

有新的命令,称为 \eledchapter,它可以在并行列中工作。

这是一个 MWE


DI use s git to manage some package.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which test only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten..
\edtext{D}{\Afootnote{C}}I use s git to manage some package.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which test only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten.\edtext{E}{\Afootnote{F}}.
\edtext{D}{\Afootnote{C}}I use s git to manage some package.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which test only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten.\edtext{E}{\Afootnote{F}}.



DI use s git to manage some package.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which test only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten..
\edtext{D}{\Afootnote{C}}I use s git to manage some package.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which test only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten.\edtext{E}{\Afootnote{F}}.
\edtext{D}{\Afootnote{C}}I use s git to manage some package.
I would like to add a pre-commit hook, to check if I have forgotten
For now, I have a minimal pre-commit, which test only the blank spaces at ends of lines, but not the forgotten.\edtext{E}{\Afootnote{F}}.



此版本即将发布。你能帮我试试吗? - 下载https://github.com/maieul/ledmac/archive/issue165.zip - 运行 .ins 文件以获取 .sty 文件 - 尝试使用您的文件,遵循 MWE(存在于 zip 中)
