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We will be using a subset of a publicly available RNA-Seq
study~\cite{liu14} (the dataset is deposited in the NCBI GEO database
under accession
The dataset represents whole transcriptome sequencing of MCF7 cell line with
and without 17 beta-estradiol treatment sequenced using polyA capture and random
priming (single-end reads, 50 bp long).

cummeRbund is a convenient R-package for visualizing your RNA-Seq data. cummeRbund assumes that reads have been aligned and that the Cufflinks suite (http://Cufflinks.cbcb.umd.edu/index.html) has been used for transcript deconvolution and (if appropriate) differential expression analysis. Due to time constraints, we will not run Cufflinks during the course. More details on how to run tophat and Cufflinks can be found at the end this document. cummeRbund is a visualization package for RNA-Seq data that was designed to help you navigate through the large amount of data produced from Cufflinks transcript assembly and Cuffdiff differential expression analysis. Such analyses typically result in a large number of inter-related files that are not intuitive to navigate through. cummeRbund helps promote rapid analysis of these files by aggregating and indexing them and allows you to easily visualize and create publication-ready figures of your RNA-Seq data while maintaining appropriate relationships between connected data points.

cummeRbund starts with re-organizing output files of a Cuffdiff analysis and storing these data in a local SQLite database. cummeRbund indexes the data to speed up access to specific feature data (genes, isoforms, TSS, CDS, etc.) and preserves relationships between these features. Access to data elements is managed via the RSQLite package and data are presented in appropriately structured R classes with various convenience functions designed to streamline your workflow. This persistent database storage means that inter-connected expression values are rapidly accessible and quickly searchable in future analyses.
See more at: \url{http://compbio.mit.edu/cummeRbund/manual_2_0.html#tth_sEc2}



We will be using a subset of a publicly available RNA-Seq study


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原因: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}

解决方式: %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}



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