









\caption{Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells: blue points indicate that 
    the systems synchronise, red points indicate that the system does not. The map 
    is an average of three equal systems with each a different initial condition. 
    Gamma goes from 0 to 1 (each increment in y direction = 1/15 ) where as Tau goes 
    from 0 to 1 (each increment x direction = 1/60). }




\caption{Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells: blue points indicate that
    the systems synchronise, red points indicate that the system does not.The map is
    an average of three equal systems with each a different initial condition. Gamma 
    goes from 0 to 1 (each increment in y direction = 1/15 ) where as Tau goes from 
    0 to 1 (each increment x direction = 1/60). Notice how the different tolerance 
    leads to a larger area but with an equal shape }






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% arara: pdflatex


\caption[Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells]{Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells: blue points indicate that the systems synchronise, red points indicate that the system does not. The map is an average of three equal systems with each a different initial condition. Gamma goes from \numrange{0}{1} (each increment in $y$ direction $= 1/15$) where as Tau goes from \numrange{0}{1} (each increment $x$ direction $= 1/60$).}
\caption[Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells]{Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells: blue points indicate that the systems synchronise, red points indicate that the system does not.The map is an average of three equal systems with each a different initial condition. Gamma goes from \numrange{0}{1} (each increment in $y$ direction $= 1/15$) where as Tau goes from \numrange{0}{1} (each increment $x$ direction $= 1/60$). Notice how the different tolerance leads to a larger area but with an equal shape}
\caption[Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells]{Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells: blue points indicate that the systems synchronise, red points indicate that the system does not. The map is an average of three equal systems with each a different initial condition. Gamma goes from \numrange{0}{1} (each increment in $y$ direction $= 1/15$) where as Tau goes from \numrange{0}{1} (each increment $x$ direction $= 1/60$).}
\caption[Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells]{Synchronisation map for the two coupled cells: blue points indicate that the systems synchronise, red points indicate that the system does not.The map is an average of three equal systems with each a different initial condition. Gamma goes from \numrange{0}{1} (each increment in $y$ direction $= 1/15$) where as Tau goes from \numrange{0}{1} (each increment $x$ direction $= 1/60$). Notice how the different tolerance leads to a larger area but with an equal shape}

