一次定义 3*(2^4) 个复杂宏

一次定义 3*(2^4) 个复杂宏


  • 1 或 2 路,
  • 多头或单头
  • 确定性或非确定性
  • 有无堆栈

这样就有 2^4 = 16 种可能性。但是,对于每种组合,我想定义几个宏:

  1. 缩写(例如 2MDFA+S 代表“带堆栈的双向多头确定性有限自动机”)
  2. 扩展版本(例如,完整编写“带堆栈的双向多头确定性有限自动机”)
  3. 不同字体的缩写(例如2MDFA+S
  4. 对于多头自动机,可以在括号中显示头的数量(例如,2MDFA+S(3) 表示“带堆栈的 2 路 3 头确定性有限自动机”)。


我知道我可以快速定义简写使用\csname...\endcsname或者定义定义宏的宏但仍然有 16 种组合需要定义。

我知道我可以测试参数是否相等感谢这个xstring软件包,但这迫使我重复几次if测试。那(我猜)会有像 \fa{1}{M}{D}{S} 这样的宏,但我不介意。




% Underline for the example, but that could be a different font.

% This part allows to have as an optional argument the number of heads.
% This is item 4 in the question.
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\abbrFA}{m g}{%
        \IfNoValueTF{#2}% then
                    {}% else
                    {(#2)}% fi

            \IfNoValueTF{#1}% then
                {\abbrFA{\notation}}% else
                {\abbrFA{\notation}{#1}}% fi

\newcommand{\longOMDFAS}{$1$-way Multi-Head Finite Automata with Stack} 
% How to get this automatically for every combination?







这应该就是你想要的。 的强制参数\fa应该是四个字符的字符串:

  • 第一个字节:1 或 2 (单向或双向)
  • 第二个字节:S 或 M (单头或多头)
  • 第三个字节:D 或 N(确定性或非确定性)
  • 第四个字节:+ 或 - (有或无堆栈)



\NewDocumentCommand{\fa}{ s t+ m o }
   {% there is no trailing optional argument, set the boolean to false
    \bool_set_false:N \l_clement_show_heads_bool
   {% there is a trailing optional argument, set the boolean to false
    \bool_set_true:N \l_clement_show_heads_bool
    % and store the argument for later usage
    \tl_set:Nn \l_clement_heads_tl { $#4$ }
   {% the `+` modifier has been given, call the long version
    \clement_fa_long:n { #3 }
   {% no + modifier
     {% the `*` modifier has been given, call the short version in \textbf
      \textbf{\clement_fa_short:n { #3 }}
     {% no `*` modifier, just call the short version
      \clement_fa_short:n { #3 }

% First byte:  1 or 2 (one way or two way)
% Second byte: S or M (single or multi head)
% Third byte:  D or N (deterministic or non deterministic)
% Fourth byte: + or - (with or without stack)

\bool_new:N \l_clement_show_heads_bool
\tl_new:N \l_clement_heads_tl

\cs_new_protected:Npn \clement_fa_short:n #1
 {% separate the four characters
  \clement_fa_short_aux:NNNN #1

\cs_new_protected:Npn \clement_fa_short_aux:NNNN #1 #2 #3 #4
 {% just use #1, #2 and #3 and add FA
  \str_case:nn { #4 }
   {% check if the fourth character is - or +
    {-}{}% -: do nothing
    {+}{+S}% +: add +S
  % if the boolean is true, add the number of heads in parentheses
  \bool_if:NT \l_clement_show_heads_bool { (\l_clement_heads_tl) }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \clement_fa_long:n #1
 {% separate the four characters
  \clement_fa_long_aux:NNNN #1

\cs_new_protected:Npn \clement_fa_long_aux:NNNN #1 #2 #3 #4
 {% add 1-way or 2-way and a space
  \bool_if:NTF \l_clement_show_heads_bool
   {% if the boolean is true, add the number of heads
   {% else add S if single-head, M if multi-head
    \str_case:nn { #2 }
  -head~% add -head and a space
  \str_case:nn { #3 }
   {% add `non` and a space if nondeterministic
  deterministic~finite~automaton~% the words
  \str_case:nn { #4 }
   {% add `with` or `without`
  stack% add `stack`


\fa{2MD+} --- \fa+{2MD+}

\fa{2MD-}[3] --- \fa+{2MD-}[3]

\fa*{2MN+}[k+1] --- \fa+{2MN-}[k+1]



请注意这个词是自动机(automata 是复数),并且前缀中不应该有“s”(双向, 不是两种方式;3-head,而不是3-heads,这符合英语语法。



\NewDocumentCommand{\fa}{ s t+ m o }
   {% there is no trailing optional argument, set the boolean to false
    \bool_set_false:N \l_clement_show_heads_bool
   {% there is a trailing optional argument, set the boolean to false
    \bool_set_true:N \l_clement_show_heads_bool
    % and store the argument for later usage
    \tl_set:Nn \l_clement_heads_tl { #4 }
   {% the `+` modifier has been given, call the long version
    \clement_fa_long:n { #3 }
   {% no + modifier
     {% the `*` modifier has been given, call the short version in \textbf
      \textbf{\clement_fa_short:n { #3 }}
     {% no `*` modifier, just call the short version
      \clement_fa_short:n { #3 }

% First byte:  1 or 2 (one way or two way)
% Second byte: S or M (single or multi head)
% Third byte:  D or N (deterministic or non deterministic)
% Fourth byte: + or - (with or without stack)

\bool_new:N \l_clement_show_heads_bool
\tl_new:N \l_clement_heads_tl

\cs_new_protected:Npn \clement_fa_short:n #1
 {% separate the four characters
  \clement_fa_short_aux:NNNN #1

\cs_new_protected:Npn \clement_fa_short_aux:NNNN #1 #2 #3 #4
 {% just use #1, #2 and #3 and add FA
  \str_case:nn { #4 }
   {% check if the fourth character is - or +
    {-}{}% -: do nothing
    {+}{+S}% +: add +S
  % if the boolean is true, add the number of heads in parentheses
  \bool_if:NT \l_clement_show_heads_bool { \__clement_parens:V \l_clement_heads_tl }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \clement_fa_long:n #1
 {% separate the four characters
  \clement_fa_long_aux:NNNN #1

\cs_new_protected:Npn \clement_fa_long_aux:NNNN #1 #2 #3 #4
 {% add 1-way or 2-way and a space
  \bool_if:NTF \l_clement_show_heads_bool
   {% if the boolean is true, add the number of heads
    \tl_if_single:NTF \l_clement_heads_tl
      \__clement_simple:V \l_clement_heads_tl
     {% \D matches anything which is not a digit
      \regex_match:nVTF { \D } \l_clement_heads_tl 
       { \__clement_parens:V \l_clement_heads_tl }
       { \__clement_simple:V \l_clement_heads_tl }
   {% else add S if single-head, M if multi-head
    \str_case:nn { #2 }
  -head~% add -head and a space
  \str_case:nn { #3 }
   {% add `non` and a space if nondeterministic
  deterministic~finite~automaton~% the words
  \str_case:nn { #4 }
   {% add `with` or `without`
  stack% add `stack`

\cs_new:Npn \__clement_parens:n #1 { $( #1 )$ }
\cs_new:Npn \__clement_simple:n #1 { $ #1 $ }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__clement_parens:n { V }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__clement_simple:n { V }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \regex_match:nnTF { nV }


\fa{2MD+} --- \fa+{2MD+}

\fa{2MD-}[3] --- \fa+{2MD-}[3]

\fa{1MD+}[24] --- \fa+{1MN+}[24]

\fa{2MN+}[k] --- \fa+{2MN+}[k]

\fa*{2MN+}[k+1] --- \fa+{2MN+}[k+1]












  \@xp\ifx\csname automata:\ae@name:#2\endcsname\ae@test

     \csname automata:\ae@name:way\endcsname
     \csname automata:\ae@name:head\endcsname
     \csname automata:\ae@name:det\endcsname
     \csname automata:\ae@name:stack\endcsname}}}

  \@xp\ifx\csname automata:\ae@name:#2\endcsname\ae@test
    \edef\ae@meaning{\ae@meaning\space #3}%%
    \edef\ae@meaning{\ae@meaning\space #4}%%

  \ae@test@for@meaning{S}{stack}{with stack}{without stack}%%



\def\ae@@get(#1)->#2;{\csname automata:#1:#2\endcsname}




  Nickname & Sample getter & Name & Meaning \\\hline
  Ginger & \get(ginger)->way; & \get(ginger)->name; & \get(ginger)->meaning;\\
  Rodger & \get(rodger)->det; & \get(rodger)->name; & \get(rodger)->meaning;\\
  1MDN   & \get(1MDN)->det;   & \get(1MDN)->name;   & \get(1MDN);









我重写了上述代码,以考虑@egreg 的建议。此外,我还删除了对 的依赖etoolbox,这对于创建此类功能来说不是必需的。最后,我改进了二传手吸气剂采取选修的第二个参数。这样,​​你就可以创建自动机




但是我保留了旧的语法,以防万一你真的想将你的自动机拟人化(去 Ginger!)。




  1. 第一个元素,12,否则不执行任何操作(无错误)。
  2. 第二个元素,MS,否则将其置于数学模式之前-head(例如,k= $k$-head{k+1}= $k+1$-head)。
  3. 第三个元素,DN,否则不执行任何操作。
  4. 第四个元素,+或者什么都没有(或者其他东西,无所谓)。我不确定你是否想要一个明确的“无堆栈”,所以我把它留给你了。




\NewDocumentCommand \automata { m }
    \clement_automata_process:n {#1}
\cs_new:Npn \clement_check_item:nnnF #1 #2
    \str_case_e:nnF { \tl_item:nn {#1} {#2} }
\cs_new:Npn \clement_check_item:nnn #1 #2
    \str_case_e:nn { \tl_item:nn {#1} {#2} }
\cs_new_nopar:Npn \clement_automata_process:n #1
    \clement_check_item:nnn {#1} { 1 }
        { 1 } { $1$-way }
        { 2 } { $2$-way }
      } ~
    \clement_check_item:nnnF {#1} { 2 }
        { S } { single-head }
        { M } { multiple-head }
      { $\tl_item:nn {#1} { 2 }$-head } ~
    \clement_check_item:nnn {#1} { 3 }
        { D } { deterministic }
        { N } { non-deterministic }
      } ~ finite ~ automaton ~ 
    \clement_check_item:nnn {#1} { 4 }
        { + } { with ~ stack }
%       { - } { without ~ stack} % if it's needed you can uncomment it
      } % Or you can add it here if you want it (nnnF) always “without” unless `+` is given


