向目录中添加不同的实体,第 2 部分

向目录中添加不同的实体,第 2 部分


当我构建一个大型文档时,事情并不像上一个问题的 MWE 中那样运作。我删除了整个文档,只留下命令和几个示例页面来演示我想要什么以及问题是什么。

  1. 目录崩溃了。错误消息指出有一个多余的右括号 },但我没有看到它。

  2. 实验室应该像附录一样是独立的单元。但每页都以标题“第 1 章。标题...”开头,因为书籍样式认为所有内容都必须在章节内。我如何隐藏该标题?

\documentclass[12pt]{book}              % Book class in 12 points
\parindent0pt  \parskip10pt             % make block paragraphs
\raggedright                            % do not right justify
\usepackage{mathptmx}  % times roman, including math (where possible)
\usepackage{mathpazo}  % palatino, including math (where possible)
\usepackage{helvet}    % helvetica
\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1.5in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
%usepackage{fullpage} would fix the margins problem
\cfoot{\sffamily\textcopyright 2005-2014 copyright notice }
\graphicspath{ {C:/LaTeX/img/} }
\title{\bf Grandiose Title Here \\ %\includegraphics[scale=.5]{ Logo.jpg}\\
Organization Name Here}    % Supply information
\author{Primary Author}            %   for the title page.
\date{\today}                           %   Use current date. 
%\input state.tex

\newcommand{\underscore}{ %UNDERLINE COMMAND
  \underline{ \hspace{3 cm}}

\newcounter{lab}% also defines \thelab

% roughly equivalent to \chapter
\newcommand{\lab}[1]{% #1 is lab heading
  \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
    {\hbox to .65in{Lab}\protect\numberline{\thelab}#1}{\thepage}}%
  \global\@topnum\z@% page number to bottom?
  \@lab{#1}% fixed first character separation

% roughly equivalent to \@chapter
\def\@lab#1{% #1 is lab heading
    \@topnewpage[{\huge\bfseries Lab \thelab: #1\par}]%
  \else{\huge\bfseries Lab \thelab: #1\par}%
  \@afterheading% no idea

% copied from mwe

% copied from book.cls and modified
  \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
      \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
        {\hbox to .65in{Chapter}\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}{\thepage}}%
      \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
        {\hbox to .65in{Chapter}\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}{\thepage}}%
    \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
      {\hbox to .65in{Chapter}\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}{\thepage}}%

% Note that book class by default is formatted to be printed back-to-back.
\begin{document}                        % End of preamble, start of text.
\frontmatter                            % only in book class (roman page #s)
\maketitle                                  % Print title page.
{\Large Acknowledgements }

Acknowledgements ... Thanks Stack Overflow experts!

{\Large Authors}

Main author \\
author2 \\

{\Large Editors} \\

{\Large Layout and LaTeX Programming} \\
interns who laid out the document

{\Large Contributors} \\
contributor 1 \\
contributor 2

{\Large Example Programs in Java} \\

Code contributors

{\Large Example Programs in C++}

{\Large Online Quiz Development and Testing}

{\Large Lab Photos and  Testing}

\tableofcontents                        % Print table of contents
\mainmatter                                 % only in book class (arabic page #s)

\chapter{How to Use this Document}                % Print a "chapter" heading
This is where we describe how it all works

Now, here come the individual short self-paced lessons,
called labs for now for want of a better term.

\lab{ Let There be Light}

To embed a live link ...

\lab{C++ Code and BadCode Styles}

Write some code, yadayada




此外,为了与 一起使用,之前hyperref应该有一个命令。\phantomsection\addcontentsline

\documentclass[12pt]{book}              % Book class in 12 points
\parindent0pt  \parskip10pt             % make block paragraphs
\raggedright                            % do not right justify
\usepackage{mathptmx}  % times roman, including math (where possible)
\usepackage{mathpazo}  % palatino, including math (where possible)
\usepackage{helvet}    % helvetica
\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1.5in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
%usepackage{fullpage} would fix the margins problem
\cfoot{\sffamily\textcopyright 2005-2014 copyright notice }
\graphicspath{ {C:/LaTeX/img/} }
\title{\bf Grandiose Title Here \\ %\includegraphics[scale=.5]{ Logo.jpg}\\
Organization Name Here}    % Supply information
\author{Primary Author}            %   for the title page.
\date{\today}                           %   Use current date. 
%\input state.tex

\newcommand{\underscore}{ %UNDERLINE COMMAND
  \underline{ \hspace{3 cm}}

\newcounter{lab}% also defines \thelab


% roughly equivalent to \chapter
\newcommand{\lab}[1]{% #1 is lab heading
%  \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
%    {\hbox to .65in{Lab}\protect\numberline{\thelab}#1}{\thepage}}%
  \global\@topnum\z@% page number to bottom?
  \@lab{#1}% fixed first character separation

% roughly equivalent to \@chapter
\def\@lab#1{% #1 is lab heading
    \@topnewpage[{\huge\bfseries Lab \thelab: #1\par}]%
  \else{\huge\bfseries Lab \thelab: #1\par}%
  \@afterheading% no idea

% copied from mwe

% copied from book.cls and modified
  \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
%      \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
%        {\hbox to .65in{Chapter}\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}{\thepage}}%
%      \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
%        {\hbox to .65in{Chapter}\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}{\thepage}}%
  %  \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
  %    {\hbox to .65in{Chapter}\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}{\thepage}}%

% Note that book class by default is formatted to be printed back-to-back.
\begin{document}                        % End of preamble, start of text.
\frontmatter                            % only in book class (roman page #s)
\maketitle                                  % Print title page.
{\Large Acknowledgements }

Acknowledgements ... Thanks Stack Overflow experts!

{\Large Authors}

Main author \\
author2 \\

{\Large Editors} \\

{\Large Layout and LaTeX Programming} \\
interns who laid out the document

{\Large Contributors} \\
contributor 1 \\
contributor 2

{\Large Example Programs in Java} \\

Code contributors

{\Large Example Programs in C++}

{\Large Online Quiz Development and Testing}

{\Large Lab Photos and  Testing}

\tableofcontents                        % Print table of contents
\mainmatter                                 % only in book class (arabic page #s)

\chapter{How to Use this Document}                % Print a "chapter" heading
This is where we describe how it all works

Now, here come the individual short self-paced lessons,
called labs for now for want of a better term.

\lab{Let There be Light}

To embed a live link ...

\lab{C++ Code and BadCode Styles}

Write some code, yadayada


**OP 要求实验室部分使用空页眉,因此请lab对这些“部分”使用不同的页面样式。

\documentclass[12pt]{book}              % Book class in 12 points
\parindent0pt  \parskip10pt             % make block paragraphs
\raggedright                            % do not right justify
\usepackage{mathptmx}  % times roman, including math (where possible)
\usepackage{mathpazo}  % palatino, including math (where possible)
\usepackage{helvet}    % helvetica
\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1.5in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
%usepackage{fullpage} would fix the margins problem
\cfoot{\sffamily\textcopyright 2005-2014 copyright notice }
\graphicspath{ {C:/LaTeX/img/} }
\title{\bf Grandiose Title Here \\ %\includegraphics[scale=.5]{ Logo.jpg}\\
Organization Name Here}    % Supply information
\author{Primary Author}            %   for the title page.
\date{\today}                           %   Use current date. 
%\input state.tex

\newcommand{\underscore}{ %UNDERLINE COMMAND
  \underline{ \hspace{3 cm}}

\newcounter{lab}% also defines \thelab


% roughly equivalent to \chapter
\newcommand{\lab}[1]{% #1 is lab heading
%  \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
%    {\hbox to .65in{Lab}\protect\numberline{\thelab}#1}{\thepage}}%
  \global\@topnum\z@% page number to bottom?
  \@lab{#1}% fixed first character separation

% roughly equivalent to \@chapter


\def\@lab#1{% #1 is lab heading
    \@topnewpage[{\huge\bfseries Lab \thelab: #1\par}]%
  \else{\huge\bfseries Lab \thelab: #1\par}%
  \@afterheading% no idea

% copied from mwe

% copied from book.cls and modified
  \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
%      \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
%        {\hbox to .65in{Chapter}\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}{\thepage}}%
%      \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
%        {\hbox to .65in{Chapter}\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}{\thepage}}%
  %  \addtocontents{toc}{\string\contentsline {chapter}%
  %    {\hbox to .65in{Chapter}\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1}{\thepage}}%

% Note that book class by default is formatted to be printed back-to-back.
\begin{document}                        % End of preamble, start of text.
\frontmatter                            % only in book class (roman page #s)
\maketitle                                  % Print title page.
{\Large Acknowledgements }

Acknowledgements ... Thanks Stack Overflow experts!

{\Large Authors}

Main author \\
author2 \\

{\Large Editors} \\

{\Large Layout and LaTeX Programming} \\
interns who laid out the document

{\Large Contributors} \\
contributor 1 \\
contributor 2

{\Large Example Programs in Java} \\

Code contributors

{\Large Example Programs in C++}

{\Large Online Quiz Development and Testing}

{\Large Lab Photos and  Testing}

\tableofcontents                        % Print table of contents
\mainmatter                                 % only in book class (arabic page #s)

\chapter{How to Use this Document}                % Print a "chapter" heading
This is where we describe how it all works

Now, here come the individual short self-paced lessons,
called labs for now for want of a better term.


\lab{Let There be Light}

To embed a live link ...

\lab{C++ Code and BadCode Styles}

Write some code, yadayada


