对齐 tikz 图片及其标题

对齐 tikz 图片及其标题

我在子图中使用了两个 tikz 图片。基线参数允许通过节点对齐子图,但是在这种情况下,标题 (b) 远高于标题 (a)。如果我不设置基线,则标题会对齐,但图形不会对齐。是否可以同时匹配两者的对齐?

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{amsart}
\usepackage{graphicx, subfigure}


  \subfigure[First SS]{
  \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(b),->,>=stealth',shorten <= 2pt, shorten >= 2pt,auto,node distance= 2.2cm]

  \tikzstyle{every state}=[draw,circle split,minimum width={2em}]

    \node[state]    (a1)                                            {$a_1$ \nodepart{lower} $A$};
    \node[state]    (b)     [below right = .3cm and 3.5cm of a1]    {$b$ \nodepart{lower} $B$};
    \node[state]    (a2)    [below left = .3cm and 3.5cm of b]     {$a_2$ \nodepart{lower} $A$};

        (a1)    edge [loop above, below left]   node    {$\frac13\;$}   (a1)
                edge [bend left]                node    {$\frac13$}     (b)
                edge [bend right,left]          node    {$\frac13$}     (a2)
        (a2)    edge [bend right, right]        node    {$\frac23$}     (a1)
                edge [bend right, below]        node    {$\frac13$}     (b)
        (b)    edge [loop above, below right]  node    {$\;\;1$}       (b)
  \subfigure[Second SS]{
  \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(-b),->,>=stealth',shorten <= 2pt, shorten >= 2pt,auto,node distance= 2.2cm]

  \tikzstyle{every state}=[draw,circle split,minimum width={2em}]

    \node[state]    (-a)                        {$\bar a$ \nodepart{lower} $A$};
    \node[state]    (-b) [right = 3cm of -a]    {$\bar b$ \nodepart{lower} $B$};

        (-a) edge [loop above, below left]   node    {$\frac23\;$}   (-a)
            edge                 node    {$\frac13$}     (-b)
        (-b) edge [loop above, below right]  node    {$\;\;1$} (-b)
  \caption{Example of two finite autonomous SSs.}




\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{amsart}
\usepackage{graphicx, subfig}

  \vrule height\ht\bigpicture depth\dp\bigpicture width0pt


  \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(b),->,>=stealth',shorten <= 2pt, shorten >= 2pt,auto,node distance= 2.2cm]

  \tikzstyle{every state}=[draw,circle split,minimum width={2em}]

    \node[state]    (a1)                                            {$a_1$ \nodepart{lower} $A$};
    \node[state]    (b)     [below right = .3cm and 3.5cm of a1]    {$b$ \nodepart{lower} $B$};
    \node[state]    (a2)    [below left = .3cm and 3.5cm of b]     {$a_2$ \nodepart{lower} $A$};

        (a1)    edge [loop above, below left]   node    {$\frac13\;$}   (a1)
                edge [bend left]                node    {$\frac13$}     (b)
                edge [bend right,left]          node    {$\frac13$}     (a2)
        (a2)    edge [bend right, right]        node    {$\frac23$}     (a1)
                edge [bend right, below]        node    {$\frac13$}     (b)
        (b)    edge [loop above, below right]  node    {$\;\;1$}       (b)
  \subfloat[First SS]{\usebox{\bigpicture}\label{fig:ss.example.a}}\qquad
  \subfloat[Second SS]{%
  \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(-b),->,>=stealth',shorten <= 2pt, shorten >= 2pt,auto,node distance= 2.2cm]

  \tikzstyle{every state}=[draw,circle split,minimum width={2em}]

    \node[state]    (-a)                        {$\bar a$ \nodepart{lower} $A$};
    \node[state]    (-b) [right = 3cm of -a]    {$\bar b$ \nodepart{lower} $B$};

        (-a) edge [loop above, below left]   node    {$\frac23\;$}   (-a)
            edge                 node    {$\frac13$}     (-b)
        (-b) edge [loop above, below right]  node    {$\;\;1$} (-b)
  \caption{Example of two finite autonomous SSs.}


请注意,subfigure已经过时并弃用多年。 可以像subfig我在这里所做的那样使用(更改\subfigure\subfloat)或subcaption


