背景:我尝试将多个装饰应用于 TikZ 图片中的路径。在此特定情况下,我的尝试失败,因为超出了 PGF 可以计算的最大尺寸。
这并不是我遇到麻烦的路径(因为该路径深深嵌入在复杂的 中tikzpicture
nant/.append style={draw=#1, double=#1!25, double distance between line centers=5.5pt, line width=.5pt, decorate, decoration={snake, segment length=10pt, amplitude=.5pt}},
\node (n1) [draw] {Some Information};
\node (n2) [anchor=south east, yshift=7.5pt, draw] at (n1.north east) {Terminology};
\node (n3) [anchor=north east, draw, xshift=-25mm] at (n1.south west) {Something};
\coordinate (nant4) at ($(n1.north east |- n2.south)!1/2!(n1.north east)$);
\coordinate (nant3) at ($(n1.north west |- nant4) + (5pt,0)$);
\coordinate (nant2) at ($(n3.east) + (35pt,10pt)$);
\coordinate (nant1) at ($(n3.east |- nant2) + (10pt,-7.5pt)$);
\path [nant=blue,postaction={decoration={text along path, text={|\scriptsize\scshape|the flow of stuff ||}, text color=blue, raise=-.5pt}, decorate}] (nant1) to [out=0, in=-135] (nant2) to [out=45, in=180] (nant3) -- (nant4);
% \path [nant=blue] (nant1) to [out=0, in=-135] (nant2) to [out=45, in=180] (nant3) -- (nant4);
% \path [postaction={decoration={text along path, text={|\scriptsize\scshape|the flow of stuff ||}, text color=blue, raise=-.5pt}, decorate}] ($(nant2) + (0,-4pt)$) to [out=45, in=180] ($(nant3) + (0,-1.25pt)$) -- ($(nant4) + (0,-1.25pt)$);
由...来指导Alain Matthes 的回答,我尝试使用fixedpointarithmetic
nant/.append style={draw=#1, double=#1!25, double distance between line centers=5.5pt, line width=.5pt, decorate, decoration={snake, segment length=10pt, amplitude=.5pt}},
\path [nant=red] (0,5) -- (10,10);
\path [nant=blue] (0,0) to [out=190, in=30] (10,5);
\path [fixed point arithmetic, nant=green] (0,10) -- (10,15);
\path [fixed point arithmetic, nant=black] (0,0) to [out=190, in=30] (10,5);
如果我注释掉第四条路径,前三条路径可以很好地绘制,但第四条路径会导致挂起。鉴于 PGF 的数学解析器可以处理这条路径而无需使用固定点,因此这大概不是容量问题。因此,尝试绘制曲线路径似乎有些问题,而不是直线。
您的text along path
(由许多小段组成的线)。分别绘制两个装饰(第一种解决方案)或通过 apreaction
和 a postaction
,您必须定义/pgf/fixed point arithmetic
\begin{tikzpicture}%[/pgf/fixed point arithmetic]
nant/.append style={draw=#1, double=#1!25, double distance between line centers=5.5pt,
line width=.5pt, decorate, decoration={snake, segment length=10pt, amplitude=.5pt}},
\node (n1) [draw] {Some Information};
\node (n2) [anchor=south east, yshift=7.5pt, draw] at (n1.north east) {Terminology};
\node (n3) [anchor=north east, draw, xshift=-25mm] at (n1.south west) {Something};
\coordinate (nant4) at ($(n1.north east |- n2.south)!1/2!(n1.north east)$);
\coordinate (nant3) at ($(n1.north west |- nant4) + (5pt,0)$);
\coordinate (nant2) at ($(n3.east) + (35pt,10pt)$);
\coordinate (nant1) at ($(n3.east |- nant2) + (10pt,-7.5pt)$);
\path [nant=blue]
(nant1) to [out=0, in=-135] (nant2) to [out=45, in=180] (nant3) -- (nant4);
\path [decoration={text along path,text={|\scriptsize\scshape|the flow of stuff ||},
text color=blue, raise=-.5pt}, decorate]
(nant1) to [out=0, in=-135] (nant2) to [out=45, in=180] (nant3) -- (nant4);
和 的单路径postaction
\begin{tikzpicture}%[/pgf/fixed point arithmetic]
nant/.append style={draw=#1, double=#1!25, double distance between line centers=5.5pt,
line width=.5pt, decorate, decoration={snake, segment length=10pt, amplitude=.5pt}},
\node (n1) [draw] {Some Information};
\node (n2) [anchor=south east, yshift=7.5pt, draw] at (n1.north east) {Terminology};
\node (n3) [anchor=north east, draw, xshift=-25mm] at (n1.south west) {Something};
\coordinate (nant4) at ($(n1.north east |- n2.south)!1/2!(n1.north east)$);
\coordinate (nant3) at ($(n1.north west |- nant4) + (5pt,0)$);
\coordinate (nant2) at ($(n3.east) + (35pt,10pt)$);
\coordinate (nant1) at ($(n3.east |- nant2) + (10pt,-7.5pt)$);
postaction={decoration={text along path,text={|\scriptsize\scshape|the flow of stuff ||},
text color=blue, raise=-.5pt}, decorate}]
(nant1) to [out=0, in=-135] (nant2) to [out=45, in=180] (nant3) -- (nant4);
按照您的建议,添加后我可以毫无问题地编译您的代码fixed point arithmetic
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- PDFLaTeX 需 72 秒(pdf 大小 27Kb)
- LuaLaTeX 耗时 94 秒(pdf 大小 27Kb)
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