新版 Evolve 用户指南的图片

新版 Evolve 用户指南的图片

我不知道这个网站上有多少 Mercurial 用户,但如果你确实使用 Mercurial,你可能听说过 Mercurial 杀手扩展,发展,最终计划纳入 Mercurial 核心。

现在有一份新的用户指南。您可以在 Evolve:用户指南

如您所见,本指南有 12 个人物。在我看来,这些人物迫切需要 TikZ 的喜爱。



这里是Bitbucket 上的 Evolve 源代码存储库

这里数字. 与用户指南中的图形相对应的图形的形式为figure-ug{i}.svg,其中 i = 1,...,12。

更新:看来我有点操之过急了。有人向我指出,维护人员可能不愿意接受 TikZ 数据,即使制作了。我已经写信给 mercurial devel 邮件列表,如果我收到他们的回复,我会更新此信息。如果他们不愿意接受这些数据,那么继续这样做似乎没有什么意义。

更新 2:正如这里的人们所预测的那样,Pierre-Yves 对此并不热衷。Evolve 是他的心肝宝贝。以下是昨天 #mercurial IRC 频道的一些摘录。鉴于这些评论,这似乎不太可能发生,尽管在聊天过程中(省略详细信息)提到另一位 Mercurial 开发人员(下面聊天记录中的 smf)独立提出了同样的想法,并表示他已经对图表进行了一些初步的 TikZ 工作。但是,我还没有看到这项工作。如果可以的话,我暂时将这个问题保留下来。如果不行,请告诉我。

12:27 < marmoute> faheem: not super enthousiastic at the tikz idea
12:32 < faheem> marmoute: so i heard via durin42. are you familiar with it?
12:39 < marmoute> faheem: I've some exposure to it. but I fill like it going 
        to be a pretty high entry barrier for contributors. Both from a skill 
        perspective and a build dependency one
12:40 < faheem> marmoute: Ok. The  build dependency bit can be automated,
12:41 < faheem> anyway, the tex.sx people predicted it wouldn't fly.
12:41 < faheem> as you could see from the comments there.
12:42 < marmoute> faheem: the dependency bit can be automated on proper
        operating system with proper dependency management.
12:43 < marmoute> (and I kind of hate when I've to download a fw GB of latex
        package on crappy hotel wifi when I do a dist-upgrade)
12:44 < faheem> marmoute:  is there some problem in using "proper operating
        system with proper dependency management"?
12:44 < smf> faheem: I have a fork of mutable-history that implements TikZ
12:44 < marmoute> [...] I would like to have a a nice and automated way to 
        generated the diagrams. But I feel like we did not saw anything       
        signicantly better than svg.
12:46 < marmoute> I can still be convinces de the tkz is better and less
        troubles. but is has to be amazing
12:46 < faheem> marmoute: tikz is pretty amazing
12:47 < smf> TikZ is da bomb.com
12:48 < faheem> marmoute: tikz is also quite automated. yes, it is a good bit
        of extra overhead
12:51 < marmoute> what could convince me is a easy a lightweight syntax to
        write the kind of diagram we need in evolve. The exchange test is a   
        good benchmark
