使用 hyperref 包的文本颜色

使用 hyperref 包的文本颜色

我想使用 hyperref 包,我寻求帮助,找到了很多解决方案。但是,我使用了此选项,效果很好,因为我可以控制颜色。

  colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
  urlcolor     = red, %Colour for external hyperlinks
  linkcolor    = blue, %Colour of internal links
  citecolor   = blue %Colour of citations, could be ``red''

使用后,\usepackage{hyperref}我发现全文颜色从黑色变为灰色。我将其打印出来以查看问题是否仅在 pdf 格式中,但没有 \usepackage{hyperref}变得比 更暗 \usepackage{hyperref}。我怎样才能获得深色文本并使用\usepackage{hyperref}

以下是图片(抱歉,文字是葡萄牙语):\usepackage{hyperref} 在此处输入图片描述

啊德无\usepackage{hyperref} 在此处输入图片描述

这是我的 MWE

  colorlinks   = true, 
  urlcolor     = blue,
  linkcolor    = blue, 
  citecolor   = blue 



\section{Monetary and Fiscal Policy rules}\label{sec:policyrules}


I must confess to not seeing a difference in blackness/grayness of the text across the two samples.
Mico you are right. these images do not show clearly the difference. But if you pay more attention you can see that the second one is darker than first. And in the printed version the difference is bigger 
A part of the problem is that it's hard to compare the two samples on screen: on contains four lines but the other only three. Could you repost the second example, showing four lines as well? 
Mico here you are. I edited the second image. i think now the difference is clearly. 

hyperref does not change the main text color. Thus the effect is probably quite unrelated to this package. One reason can be the use of color. This can be tested with package color and textcolor without hyperref. Or there are transparencies (images, ...) involved. It is known, that AR uses a different rendering method then. 

You should provide a fully compilable minimal working example that only contains the lines necessary to reproduce the problem. Then it is easier for others to help you.

Can be a font problem.

Yeah, there isn't much we can do until we have a full MWE that we can print ourselves and compare.


 \citep{Zheng.etal2012, Froemmel.etal2011, Hayat.Mishra2010, Moura.Carvalho2010, Consolo.Favero2009}. 

 \citet{Svensson2000, Ball1999}


    i_{t}&= \mathcal{M}(\Omega_{t})+\epsilon^{\mathcal{M}}_{t} \\
    G_{t}&= \mathcal{G}(\Omega_{t})+\epsilon^{\mathcal{G}}_{t} \\
    R_{t}&= \mathcal{R}(\Omega_{t})+\epsilon^{\mathcal{R}}_{t}

\citet{Clarida.etal2000}, da seguinte forma:
                    \mathfrak{m}_{2}E\left[y_{t,q}|\Lambda_{t}\right]+\mathfrak{m}_{3}E\left[X_{t}|\Lambda_{t}                  \right]

\subsection{Conclusion} \label{subsec:conclusion}




