Biblatex 使用简写和数字样式 - 标签大小

Biblatex 使用简写和数字样式 - 标签大小

现在的情况: 我需要分别引用文章和书籍等中的“规范性”文件(即标准和手册)。使用biblatexbiber风格numeric我通过发出多个printbibliography命令来实现这一点,如下所示:

%... lots of stuff
\printbibliography[type=standard,title=Standards \& Manuals]


问题:我正在使用shorthand数据库中的标准和手册字段,就文本内的输出而言,该字段工作完美,并将简写设置为参考书目中的标签并在其右侧打印详细信息 - 问题是:我的简写比样式生成的标签长得多numeric,但即使它们在三个不同的\printbibliography命令中,所有内容都会缩进到标签的最大宽度,使书籍和文章的部分看起来相当荒谬。

下面仅用两个单独的\printbibliography(以及明显夸张的长的速记)来展示该问题: 有问题的输出

现在我显然想要的是每个\printbibliography命令只使用实际需要的缩进来容纳其中出现的最大标签,即渲染手册部分如上所述,但参考书目部分如下: 输出参考书目正确


以上内容是在最新的 TeXLive 2014 上使用以下 MWE 生成的:



    title = {How to Make the World Go Round},
    shorthand = {HowToMakeTheWorlGoRound},
    publisher = {The Publisher},
    year = {2000}

    author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B.},
    journal = {Journal Title},
    pages = {113--126},
    title = {The Article},
    volume = {65},
    year = {1900}



\chapter{The Document}
Nothing to see here, but we refer to the \parencite{HowTo} based on a principle discovered by \textcite{Article}.



正如所提到的Biblatex,前缀数字的使用改变了所有子书目的缩进 biblatex3.11 有新的选项locallabelwidth,使得每个标签宽度的计算都是本地的\printbibliography



    title = {How to Make the World Go Round},
    shorthand = {HowToMakeTheWorlGoRound},
    publisher = {The Publisher},
    year = {2000}

    author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B.},
    journal = {Journal Title},
    pages = {113--126},
    title = {The Article},
    volume = {65},
    year = {1900}



\chapter{The Document}
Nothing to see here, but we refer to the \parencite{HowTo} based on a principle discovered by \textcite{Article}.




感谢@moewe 的链接和其中的评论,我找到了一个似乎有效的解决方案,它允许numeric任意设置部件标签的宽度。

通过定义新的bibenvironment带有\defbibenvironment{bibnumeric}...和其中的设置,可以调整任何使用\labelnumberwidth该标签的宽度- 通过添加到命令。\printbibliographybibenvironmentenv=bibnumeric\printbibliography

因此,可以通过添加以下内容来修复上述 MWE:

%% make substyle for normal numbered bib

这是在中\defbibenvironment{bibliography}找到的副本,除了添加之外,它还允许任意设置新的标签宽度- 使用的值允许使用三位数的引用号码。numeric.bbxbiblatex\settowidth{\labelnumberwidth}{8888}bibenvironment

完整的 MWE 为:



    title = {How to Make the World Go Round},
    shorthand = {HowToMakeTheWorlGoRound},
    publisher = {The Publisher},
    year = {2000}

    author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B.},
    journal = {Journal Title},
    pages = {113--126},
    title = {The Article},
    volume = {65},
    year = {1900}


%% make substyle for normal numbered bib


\chapter{The Document}
Nothing to see here, but we refer to the \parencite{HowTo} based on a principle discovered by \textcite{Article}.



