仅使用 hyperref 将章节标题链接到目录

仅使用 hyperref 将章节标题链接到目录

如何将章节标题链接回目录?我想使用仅有的 hyperref并且没有任何与 toc 相关的包(答案是titlesec可以找到答案这里

我可以做hypertargetto c 部分(回答由 cmhughes 提供,并在下面的 MWE 中显示)。因此,我的问题实际上是:把这条hyperlink线放在哪里?



\chapter{A Chapter to act as a Link}
\section{A Section to act as a Link}





    \mychapter{A Chapter to act as a Link}
        \mysection{A Section to act as a Link}
            \mysubsection{A Subection to act as a Link}
            \mysubsection{A Subection to act as a Link}
        \mysection{A Section to act as a Link}
            \mysubsection{A Subection to act as a Link}
            \mysubsection{A Subection to act as a Link}
    \mychapter{A Chapter to act as a Link}
        \mysection{A Section to act as a Link}
            \mysubsection{A Subection to act as a Link}
            \mysubsection{A Subection to act as a Link}
        \mysection{A Section to act as a Link}
            \mysubsection{A Subection to act as a Link}
            \mysubsection{A Subection to act as a Link}


理想情况下,人们只需使用\apptocmd命令(来自etoolbox包)或\xapptocmd(来自xpatch包)来挂钩适当的超目标/超链接命令,但不幸的是,由于结构命令的定义(例如\part\chapter等等) ,这会中断。















   % If some of the structuring commands should not use linking back to toc, just remove them from this csv - list here (say for subparagraph))


\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5}% For demo only
\setcounter{tocdepth}{5}% For demo only



\part{First part}%
\chapter{First chapter}%
\section{First Section}%
\section*{First starred section}%
\subsection{First subsection}%
\subsubsection{First subsubsection}%
\paragraph{First paragraph}
\subparagraph{First subparagraph}%





我想这就是我所追求的。感谢 Symbol 1 提出的想法!



\chapter{A Chapter to act as a Link}
\section{A Section to act as a Link}
