包。尝试修改和个性化列表中的样式,@1010011010 建议使用该minted
。我使用了@MarcoDaniel 的答案围绕铸造环境的盒子打破界限,但它没有按预期工作。
\box_new:N \l_fvrb_box
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\RenewDocumentCommand \FancyVerbFormatLine { m }
\hbox_set:Nn \l_fvrb_box { #1 }
\dim_compare:nNnTF { \box_wd:N \l_fvrb_box }>{ \linewidth }
{%box to big
\tl_set:Nn \l_fvrb_tl { #1 }
\fvrb_use_tl:N \l_fvrb_tl
{%box fits
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\cs_new:Npn \fvrb_use_tl:N #1
\null\hfill\vbox_set:Nn \l_fvrb_box
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int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] Acquisition Started\n");
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] I am set to read "+evSize+" detectors.\n");
\begin{mdframed}[linecolor=black, topline=true, bottomline=true,
leftline=false, rightline=false, backgroundcolor=lbcolor,userdefinedwidth=\textwidth]
\begin{minted}[fontsize=\normalsize, linenos, frame=lines]{java}
import java.awt.event.*;//for ActionListener
public class Runtime implements KmaxRuntime {
KmaxToolsheet tlsh;//Store a reference to the toolsheet environment
KmaxWidget wSlot;
KmaxWidget wAdd;
KmaxWidget wData;
KmaxWidget dataField;
KmaxWidget countField;
KmaxWidget setSRQ;
KmaxDevice dev;
KmaxHist hist1,hist2,hist3,hist4,hist5,hist6, histoLowX, histoLowY;
KmaxHist dee1;
KmaxWidget report;
KmaxWidget liveTime;
KmaxWidget realTime;
KmaxWidget deadTime;
KmaxWidget progress;
KmaxWidget xcombo, ycombo, offsetButton;
KmaxWidget combo, checkBoxCalib;
/** ADC Levels */
KmaxWidget lld;
KmaxWidget setLLD;
KmaxWidget getLLD;
KmaxWidget lldText;
KmaxWidget uld;
KmaxWidget setULD;
KmaxWidget getULD;
KmaxWidget uldText;
/** Calibration - Check Box(use calibration) */
boolean eventFileOn = true;
int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
int points = 10;
int[] region = new int[points];
int timeTicks;
int totalTime;
int LiveTime = 0;
int totcount;
int evType = 1; //The Type ID for these kinds of events
SimpleDateFormat today = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
SimpleDateFormat now = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss:SSS");
Map<String,KmaxHist> histograms = new HashMap<String,KmaxHist>();
static final int evSize = 6;//The num of parameters per event of this type
static final int BUF_SIZE = evSize*1000;// Buffer size
static final int LP_MEM_TOP = 0xFFFF00;//Memory size 16MB
static final int READ_START = LP_MEM_TOP - BUF_SIZE;//We start the read/write pointer 1 buffer before the end
%\inputminted[fontsize=\normalsize, linenos, frame=lines]{java}{DAQ.java}%[linenos=true,bgcolor=lbcolor]{java}{DAQ.java}
使用 时则不会出现这种情况mdframed
。例如,文本会跳出框架,并且在检测到换行符时会出现相当烦人的标记。例如,请看下图中的第 39 行和第 60 行
\makeatletter \let\oldPYGdefault\PYGdefault \def\PYGdefault#1#2{\hbox{\oldPYGdefault{#1}{#2}}\allowbreak{}} \makeatother
这就是 @Thanos 答案中第一个例子所起的作用。第 9 行的倒数第二个字符串在结束引号之前不再断开。
编辑 2015/01/16:现在的开发版本minted
\section{Minted Environment}%For a weird reason the code is put at the bottom side of the page
int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] Acquisition Started\n");
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] I am set to read "+evSize+" detectors.\n");
\section{Minted Environment Large}%This code is too large to fit in a page, yet it does not break
int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] Acquisition Started\n");
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] I am set to read "+evSize+" detectors.\n");
int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] Acquisition Started\n");
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] I am set to read "+evSize+" detectors.\n");
int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] Acquisition Started\n");
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] I am set to read "+evSize+" detectors.\n");
int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] Acquisition Started\n");
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] I am set to read "+evSize+" detectors.\n");
int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] Acquisition Started\n");
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] I am set to read "+evSize+" detectors.\n");
int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] Acquisition Started\n");
report.setProperty("INSERT", "["+now.format(new Date())+"] I am set to read "+evSize+" detectors.\n");
\begin{mdframed}[linecolor=black, topline=true, bottomline=true,
leftline=false, rightline=false, backgroundcolor=lbcolor,userdefinedwidth=\textwidth]
\begin{minted}[fontsize=\normalsize, linenos, frame=lines]{java}
import java.awt.event.*;//for ActionListener
public class Runtime implements KmaxRuntime {
KmaxToolsheet tlsh;//Store a reference to the toolsheet environment
KmaxWidget wSlot;
KmaxWidget wAdd;
KmaxWidget wData;
KmaxWidget dataField;
KmaxWidget countField;
KmaxWidget setSRQ;
KmaxDevice dev;
KmaxHist hist1,hist2,hist3,hist4,hist5,hist6, histoLowX, histoLowY;
KmaxHist dee1;
KmaxWidget report;
KmaxWidget liveTime;
KmaxWidget realTime;
KmaxWidget deadTime;
KmaxWidget progress;
KmaxWidget xcombo, ycombo, offsetButton;
KmaxWidget combo, checkBoxCalib;
/** ADC Levels */
KmaxWidget lld;
KmaxWidget setLLD;
KmaxWidget getLLD;
KmaxWidget lldText;
KmaxWidget uld;
KmaxWidget setULD;
KmaxWidget getULD;
KmaxWidget uldText;
/** Calibration - Check Box(use calibration) */
boolean eventFileOn = true;
int slotADC = 22;// Change CAMAC controller's backpanel jumper, accordingly
int count = 0;
int[] data = new int[1];
int[] offset = {0, 0};
int[] in = {1, 2};
int[] ones = {1,1};
int points = 10;
int[] region = new int[points];
int timeTicks;
int totalTime;
int LiveTime = 0;
int totcount;
int evType = 1; //The Type ID for these kinds of events
SimpleDateFormat today = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
SimpleDateFormat now = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss:SSS");
Map<String,KmaxHist> histograms = new HashMap<String,KmaxHist>();
static final int evSize = 6;//The num of parameters per event of this type
static final int BUF_SIZE = evSize*1000;// Buffer size
static final int LP_MEM_TOP = 0xFFFF00;//Memory size 16MB
static final int READ_START = LP_MEM_TOP - BUF_SIZE;//We start the read/write pointer 1 buffer before the end
我只是在代码中长字符串的某个位置添加了一个空格,但 minted 认为这个空格不能被拆分成两行。结合 breaklines 选项,我修改了断点,以实现视觉优化。我想说这个方法虽然快速又粗糙,但确实有效!
my_cool_variable.my_super_cool_function(:what_a_long_name_for_a_parameter).yes_i_needed_to_call_something_more <- broken wrong with breaklines option
my_cool_variable.my_super_cool_function (:what_a_long_name_for_a_parameter) .yes_i_needed_to_call_something_more <- whitespace in the code creates a breakpoint