


沃尔夫,克里斯蒂安·冯(1962)。原始哲学本体论. Jean Ecole 编辑。综合工厂。第 2 课:拉丁文,Bd. 3. 希尔德斯海姆: Olms。

我不知道如何指示 biblatex 生成此输出。我尝试使用“部分”和“体积”字段,如以下参考所示:

  Title                    = {Philosophia prima sive Ontologia},
  Author                   = {Wolff, Christian von},
  Editor                   = {Jean Ecole},
  Publisher                = {Olms},
  Address                  = {Hildesheim},
  Year                     = {1962},
  Part                     = {Abt. 2: Lateinische Schriften},
  Maintitle                = {Gesammelte Werke},
  Volume                   = {3},
  Language                 = {german}

不幸的是,biblatex 似乎认为 part 是 volume 的从属,因此产生了非常不同的输出。此外,主标题打印在书名之前。我还想为类似这样的条目(文档语言为英语)使用 Part 和 Volume 的本地化(德语)缩写,我以为语言标签会处理这个问题,但显然不是。输出如下:

沃尔夫,克里斯蒂安·冯(1962)。综合工厂。卷3.2: 拉丁文:原始哲学本体论. Jean Ecole 编。希尔德斯海姆: Olms。


编辑:MWE 与 Latex 和(包括)bib ref:

\usepackage[backend=biber,natbib=true, indexing=cite, citestyle=authoryear-ibid, bibstyle=authoryear-ibid, sorting=nyt, indexing=cite]{biblatex}
  Title                    = {Philosophia prima sive Ontologia},
  Author                   = {Wolff, Christian von},
  Editor                   = {Jean Ecole},
  Publisher                = {Olms},
  Year                     = {1962},

  Address                  = {Hildesheim},
  Language                 = {German},
  Volume                   = {3},

  Maintitle                = {Gesammelte Werke},
  Owner                    = {stefano},
  Part                     = {2: Lateinische Schriften}
A citation of a multi-part work: \cite{Wolff1962}

最终编辑:修改后的 MWE 合并并稍微修改了 Carols 的解决方案:

\usepackage[backend=biber,natbib=true, indexing=cite, citestyle=authoryear-ibid, bibstyle=authoryear-ibid, sorting=nyt, indexing=cite,autolang=other,language=autobib]{biblatex}
  Title                    = {Philosophia prima sive Ontologia},
  Author                   = {Wolff, Christian von},
  Editor                   = {Jean Ecole},
  Publisher                = {Olms},
  Year                     = {1962},    
  Address                  = {Hildesheim},
  langid                   = {german},
  Volume                   = {3},

  Maintitle                = {Gesammelte Werke},
  Part                     = {2: Lateinische Schriften}

  Title                    = {At the Periphery of the Rising Empire: The Case of Italy (1945-1968)},
  Author                   = {Claudio Pogliano},
  Editor                   = {Stefano Franchi and Francesco Bianchini},
  Pages                    = {119-147},
  Publisher                = {Rodopi},
  Year                     = {2011},   
  Address                  = {Amsterdam},    
  Booktitle                = {The Search for a Theory of Cognition: Early Mechanisms and New Ideas}



     A citation of a multi-part work: \cite{Wolff1962} and a citation of a real inbook ref: \cite{Pogliano2011}


我认为最好使用inbook。若要在参考书目条目中使用其他语言,则必须在条目中添加 langid并在 bibltex 选项中输入autolang=otherlanguage=autobib


  Title                    = {Philosophia prima sive Ontologia},
  Author                   = {Wolff, Christian von},
  Editor                   = {Jean Ecole},
  Publisher                = {Olms},
  Address                  = {Hildesheim},
  Year                     = {1962},
  Part                     = {Abt. 2: Lateinische Schriften},
  Maintitle                = {Gesammelte Werke},
  Volume                   = {3},
  langid                   = {german}
 \usepackage[backend=biber,natbib=true, indexing=cite, citestyle=authoryear-ibid, bibstyle=authoryear-ibid, sorting=nyt, indexing=cite,autolang=other,language=autobib]{biblatex}










您可以同时使用inbook和以及其他语言。只需添加一个逻辑,即如果是:执行某些操作,否则:执行另一个操作。下面是包含两个条目的 MWE 。一个在另一个中。germanlangidgermanmacromacroinbookgermanenglish

  Title                    = {Philosophia prima sive Ontologia},
  Author                   = {Wolff, Christian von},
  Editor                   = {Jean Ecole},
  Publisher                = {Olms},
  Address                  = {Hildesheim},
  Year                     = {1962},
  Part                     = {Abt. 2: Lateinische Schriften},
  Maintitle                = {Gesammelte Werke},
  Volume                   = {3},
  langid                   = {german}

  Title                    = {The title in english},
  Author                   = {Last, Name},
  Editor                   = {Editor Name},
  Publisher                = {Springer},
  Address                  = {New York},
  Year                     = {1999},
  Part                     = {1},
  Maintitle                = {The Maintitle},
  Volume                   = {3},

 \usepackage[backend=biber,natbib=true, indexing=cite, citestyle=authoryear-ibid, bibstyle=authoryear-ibid, sorting=nyt, indexing=cite,autolang=other,language=autobib]{biblatex}









