!包 enumitem 错误:未定义标签。
\item a
正如 Bernard 所说,如果列表是新列表,则至少需要设置标签,因为在这种情况下,您要从头开始创建新列表。例如,如果您只想更改默认列表的属性,则可以指定enumerate
\setlist[enumerate,1]{leftmargin=0pt}% if you just want to change some aspect of the default enumerate environment
\newlist{mylist}{enumerate}{1}% if you want to create a new list from scratch
\setlist[mylist,1]{label=\roman*)}% in that case, at least label must be specified using \setlist
This is some text. This is some more text. This is yet further text. This is also text. So, it seems, is this. The text continues on.
\item first level has zero left margin
\item second level is untouched
This is an interlude consisting of some more text.
\item a