\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\settowidth\longest{\huge\itshape just as his inclination leads him;}
Influenza is something unique. It behaves epidemiologically in a way different from that of any other known infection.
\raggedleft\Large\textsc{Sir Christopher Howard Andrewes}\par%
将“Margaret Chan”变成小写字母……有人能帮帮我吗?
补充说明:非常确信 Times New Roman 支持小型大写字母 ;)
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\settowidth\longest{\huge\itshape just as his inclination leads him;}
Influenza is something unique. It behaves epidemiologically in a
way different from that of any other known infection.
\raggedleft\Large\textsc{Sir Christopher Howard Andrewes}\par%