LaTeX 垂直每日计划

LaTeX 垂直每日计划

如何使用 LaTeX 制作以下每日计划?




  • 使用tablular创建垂直数值数据,
  • 使用collcell将 a 应用于\tikzmark表格的每一行,
  • 用于tikz根据行号插入括号和文本。



  • 可以允许数据自动换行,或者像棕色文本一样手动换行。
  • 您可以通过选项更改文本的对齐方式align=,如蓝色、橙色和紫色文本所示。




        \tikzmark{Left Mark of Row \arabic{RowCount}}%
        \tikzmark{Right Mark of Row \arabic{RowCount}}%

  \tikz[overlay,remember picture,baseline] \node [anchor=base] (#1) {};}

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,baseline]
  \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,raise=6pt, amplitude=1.0ex, mirror}, ultra thick, #1] 
    ([yshift=3pt]Left Mark of #2.north east) 
    -- node[xshift=-10pt, align=left, text width=\LeftTextWidth, anchor=east, #1] 
    ([yshift=3pt]Left Mark of #3.south east);

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,baseline]
  \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,raise=6pt, amplitude=1.0ex}, ultra thick, #1] 
    ([xshift=2pt, yshift=3pt]Left Mark of #2.north east) 
    -- node[xshift=10pt, align=left, text width=\LeftTextWidth, anchor=west, #1] 
    ([xshift=2pt, yshift=3pt]Left Mark of #3.south east);


5 \\
6 \\
7 \\
8 \\
9 \\
10 \\
11 \\
12 \\
1 \\
2 \\
3 \\
4 \\
5 \\
6 \\
7 \\
8 \\
9 \\
10 \\
11 \\
12 \\
1 \\
2 \\
3 \\
4 \\

\LeftBrace[red]{Row 1}{Row 5}{%
    Rise, wash, and address \emph{Powerful Goodness! Contrive day's business},
    and take the resolution of the day;%
\RightBrace[brown]{Row 1}{Row 5}{%
    The Morning. \\
    Question: What good shall I do \\
    this day?%
\RightBrace[magenta]{Row 6}{Row 9}{Work.}
\RightBrace[violet]{Row 10}{Row 11}{Read, or overlook my accounts, and dine.}
\LeftBrace[blue, align=center]{Row 10}{Row 11}{NOON.}
\RightBrace[olive]{Row 12}{Row 15}{Work.}
\LeftBrace[orange, align=center]{Row 16}{Row 19}{%
    Evening \\
    \emph{Question}: What good have I done \\
\RightBrace[purple]{Row 16}{Row 19}{%
    Put things in their places. Supper.
    Music or diversion, or conversation/
    Examination of the day.
\LeftBrace[violet, align=center]{Row 20}{Row 26}{NIGHT.}
\RightBrace[red]{Row 20}{Row 26}{Sleep.}

