\caption{Adaptive Thresholding}\label{euclid}
\State Convert $R$ to a binary region using the threshold $\theta_{0}$. \label{step:convert}
\State Assume $N$ is the sum of the number of non-zero pixels within $F_{l}$ and $F_{r}$.
\State If $N$ is larger than a predefined threshold $\beta$, then
\State $\theta_{0} = \theta_{0} + \Delta\theta$
\State Repeat the procedure from step \ref{step:convert}
\State Else
\State $\theta = \theta_{0}$
\State End
\State where $\Delta\theta$, $\beta$ are two constants.
有什么想法可以格式化第 4-8 行吗?我必须以算法格式显示伪代码。
您的代码中的主要问题是您没有将 if-else 作为命令调用。如果您修复了这个问题,那么问题就解决了。
\caption{Adaptive Thresholding}\label{euclid}
\State Convert $R$ to a binary region using the threshold $\theta_{0}$. \label{step:convert}
\State Assume $N$ is the sum of the number of non-zero pixels within $F_{l}$ and $F_{r}$.
\If{$N$ is larger than a predefined threshold $\beta$}
\State $\theta_{0} = \theta_{0} + \Delta\theta$
\State Repeat the procedure from step \ref{step:convert}
\State $\theta = \theta_{0}$
Where $\Delta\theta$, $\beta$ are two constants.