当我们接近页面顶部时,longtable 有时会开始新的页面

当我们接近页面顶部时,longtable 有时会开始新的页面



\documentclass[a4paper] {report}




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\date{10 November 2014}



to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

to show the problem the function needs to start on a new page

\section{matrix\_multiply} \label{function_matrix_multiply}

This function multiplies two matrices together.



\cline{1-2} \textbf{Type and Name} & \textbf{Description} & 

\cline{1-2} \textbf{Type and Name} & \textbf{Description} & 

\cline{1-2} \multicolumn{2}{r}{{Continued on next page}}

\raggedright Matrix A &
\raggedright Matrix A
 & \\
\raggedright Matrix B &
\raggedright Matrix B - the number of rows of B must be the same as the number of columns of A
 & \\


\textbf{ReturnType:} Matrix


我看到的是该部分进入一个新页面(自行进入 -\newpage该部分之前没有命令),然后longtable出现在一个新页面上,尽管该页面有大约 80% 的空闲空间并且只有几行。

如果您注释掉 section 命令之前的最后一个虚拟文本,问题就会消失。但是我的 TeX 文件是从源代码生成的,手动编辑 TeX 文件对我来说不是一个好选择。




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\section{matrix\_multiply} \label{function_matrix_multiply}

