在 csquotes 中自定义正式块引用的样式?

在 csquotes 中自定义正式块引用的样式?

MWE 如下:

% pdflatex test.tex; biber test; pdflatex test.tex; pdflatex test.tex

  %sorting=none, % "Do not sort at all. All entries are processed in citation order." (order of appearance)
  firstinits=false, % shows full first name

% @book{knuth:ct:a,
%   author       = {Knuth, Donald E.},
%   title        = {The \TeX book},
%   date         = 1984,


% [http://www.latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=5444 csquotes package question • Text Formatting • LaTeX Community]
% \renewenvironment{quoteblock}{\openautoquote}{\closeautoquote} % quoteblock has been removed from csquotes!
% \renewcommand{\mkblockquote}[4]{\openautoquote{\itshape#1#2}#4#3\closeautoquote} % <--! works, but changes all

% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/39285/whats-the-advantage-of-using-csquotes-over-using-an-editors-auto-replacement-f

\hyphenquote{UKenglish}{quote with UK English hyphenation}

\textcquote[1]{knuth:ct:a}{formal quote}

\hyphentextcquote{UKenglish}[1]{knuth:ct:a}{formal quote with UK English hyphenation}

\hyphenblockcquote{UKenglish}[1]{knuth:ct:a}{A long formal quote with UK English hyphenation which happens to be longer than three lines and, thus, is typeset as a block quote. This text is just to make it long enough. This text is just to make it long enough. This text is just to make it long enough.}







...我可以通过取消注释标有 的行来获得<--!,即\renewcommand{\mkblockquote}[4]{\openautoquote{\itshape#1#2}#4#3\closeautoquote}。但是,此命令会更改相对低级的\mkblockquote命令。

所以我现在想做的是,保留默认行为\hyphenblockcquote不变,并改为使用某种自定义的正式块引用环境。理想情况下,我希望有一种可以使用的样式选项\hyphenblockcquote- 但如果这不可能,那么我会选择自定义命令(使用类似的语法\hyphenblockcquote)。





... MWE 如下,它需要定义和使用新的用户命令,\DeclareQuoteBlockStyle以及\setquoteblockstyle。但是,可能需要进行一些讨论。

  • 所有这些与内部和外部引用有关的事情都是仅有的\enquote{...}如果您在例如内部使用,则可能\hyphentextcquote;我认为通过\MakeOuterQuote/定义字符也是可行的\MakeAutoQuote- 但似乎不可行。
  • 当你创建样式时\DeclareQuoteStyle,默认情况下不是“应用”在任何地方 - 除非你碰巧用与当前选择的语言相同的名称来命名它。
  • 为了“应用”/“激活”这种引用样式,您不能使用\ExecuteQuoteOptions\setkeys,因为它们仅在序言中运行;实际上有一个命令可以做到这一点,它是\setquotestyle
  • 使用csquotes'时\DeclareQuoteAlias[variant]{style}{alias},请注意可以使用alias 仅有的\setquotestyle{alias};你可以不是使用(浪费alias\hyphentextcquote{alias}...这么多时间)。\hyphentextcquote诸如此类多种语言命令,它们的第一个参数应该是实际的语言(如 所示babel)。如果恰巧为\hyphentextcquoteetc. 选择的语言也有一个同名的引号样式别名,那么将应用该引号样式。
  • 当你拨打\setquotestyle[italic]{english}(来自\DeclareQuoteStyle[italic]{english}...)电话时,你csquotes被迫出口“多语言模式”;然后中的语言设置就\hyphentextcquote{language}...无关紧要了;中的引用样式\setquotestyle优先。要返回多语言模式,请使用带星号的\setquotestyle*(无参数)。

在寻找块引用样式的自定义时遇到了一些复杂情况;我尝试了\unravel{}- \hyphentextcquote,结果大约需要 14000 步,而且\mkblockquote(鉴于 OP,这显然有影响),甚至没有显示!然而,显示的是,这是\csq@bquote@iii调用它的唯一命令。从它的定义,很显然,除了重新定义之外,没有其他方法可以编辑块引用样式\mkblockquote


  • \DeclareQuoteBlockStyle与 相同,但它有一个额外的第一个可选参数,我们可以在其中为 指定一个“样式”\DeclareQuoteStyle的定义;这将以从名称派生的名称保存(因此它应该能够处理多种样式);并且\mkblockquote[variant]{style}
  • \setquoteblockstyle与 相同\setquotestyle,但它还会根据 来设置已保存的“块样式”定义,以[variant]{style}使其\mkblockquote处于活动状态;\setquoteblockstyle*还会恢复\mkblockquote到其原始定义。

请注意,一旦\setquote(block)style正确设置了引号样式,该样式也将通过应用于区块引号\openautoquote(如果存在于中)\mkblockquote!因此,区块引号中的任何额外格式\mkblockquote都将添加到添加通过设置样式\openautoquote;这就是我\bfseries在那里使用的原因,这样就可以在 MWE 上看到涵盖了什么。

好吧,希望我没有误解手册,而且我没有白白编写这些代码。:)无论如何,这里 -csquotes_test.tex @gist.github.com- 是先前的测试文件,带有一些注释;最终的 MWE 是:

% pdflatex test.tex; biber test; pdflatex test.tex; pdflatex test.tex

% \usepackage{unravel}

\usepackage[style=ieee, isbn=true, doi=false, url=true, defernumbers=true, sorting=nyt, firstinits=false, backend=biber]{biblatex}


% start hacks:
  % prepare vars
  % cmd to declare a quote and block style
      {\typeout{DQBS: 1 is blank}}
      {%\def\csq@newblockstyle{#1}% new variable; but cannot handle `#1` in '#1', which \mkblockquote below needs
       % save for \mkblockquote
       \typeout{DQBS: 1 is \meaning\csq@newblockstyle} %#1}%
  % helper to extract the names
      {\typeout{DQBSI: 1 is blank, 2 is '#2'}%
      % \DeclareQuoteStyle#2 % cannot, args are gobbled, must use low-level now:
      {\typeout{DQBSI: 1 is '#1', 2 is '#2'}%
      %\DeclareQuoteStyle[1]#2\expandafter % cannot...
    % \let assigned vars should survive renewcommand of @newblockstyle;
    % but must be global, else other code can't see it:
    \typeout{Command: csq@blkstyle@\csq@tempa -> \expandafter\meaning\csname csq@blkstyle@\csq@tempa \endcsname}
    \@ifnextchar[%] % continue w/ low-level
  % cmd to set also block style when changing quote style
      {\typeout{setquoteblockstyle has to restore}%}
      \let\mkblockquote\csq@oldblockstyle % restore block quote style
      \setquotestyle*} % here the star is gobbled, so must re-add it manually!
         {\typeout{setquoteblockstyle has two} %'#1' and '#2'}} "! Illegal parameter number in definition"
         {\typeout{setquoteblockstyle has only one} %'#1'}}%
      %\setquotestyle% proceed with original; here will also claim the * correctly and will work - but makes the \@ifstar/\@ifnextchar switch above incorrect, so must include it everywhere separately
  % helper - so we can capture the args
      { \edef\csq@tempa{#2}%
      { \edef\csq@tempa{#2/#1}%
        \typeout{mkblockquote was \meaning\mkblockquote}%
        \typeout{mkblockquote csq@blkstyle@\csq@tempa, is now \meaning\mkblockquote}% undefined
% end hacks

% the original use: (now as first opt arg in \DeclareQuoteBlockStyle)
% \renewcommand{\mkblockquote}[4]{\openautoquote{\itshape##1##2}##4##3\closeautoquote}

% \DeclareQuoteBlockStyle[]% leave like this for #1 blank...
  \openautoquote{\bfseries#1#2}#4#3\closeautoquote% \mkblockquote contents (block style)


\hyphenquote{UKenglish}{quote with UK English hyphenation}

% \ExecuteQuoteOptions{english=italics} % only in preamble!
% \setkeys{csq}{english=italics} % only in preamble!
% \setquotestyle{debug} % ok
% \setquotestyle[italics]{english}

\textcquote[1]{knuth:ct:a}{formal quote}

\hyphentextcquote{UKenglish}[1]{knuth:ct:a}{formal quote \enquote{with UK} English hyphenation}

\hyphentextcquote{UKenglish}[1]{knuth:ct:a}{formal quote "with UK" English hyphenation}

\hyphentextcquote{UKenglish}[1]{knuth:ct:a}{formal quote «with UK» English hyphenation}

\hyphenblockcquote{UKenglish}[1]{knuth:ct:a}{A long formal quote with UK English hyphenation which \enquote{happens to be longer than three lines}, thus, is typeset as a block quote. This text is just to make it long enough. This text is just to make it long enough. This text is just to make it long enough.}

% \setquotestyle*

\hyphenblockcquote{english}[1]{knuth:ct:a}{ A long formal quote with UK English hyphenation which \enquote{happens to be longer than three lines} and, thus, is typeset as a block quote. This text is just to make it long enough. This text is just to make it long enough. This text is just to make it long enough.}

