当闭合曲线被虚线化时,起点/终点处的虚线间距可能非常不合适。是否有选项可以告诉 TikZ 应稍微调整虚线间距以避免这种情况?(我当然可以自己做,但我有很多这样的曲线,因此很繁琐。)
\draw [dashed, line width=1pt]circle(0.655cm);
使用dash pattern
\draw [line width=.5pt,dash pattern=on 1pt off 2pt]circle(0.655cm);
另请参阅手册第 168 页
cycled dash pattern/.code args={on #1 off #2}{
% Use csname so catcode of @ doesn't have do be changed.
\csname tikz@addoption\endcsname{%
\csname pgf@decorate@parsesoftpath\endcsname{\currentpath}{\currentpath}%
% Length of path
\pgfmathparse{\csname pgf@decorate@totalpathlength\endcsname}\let\lc=\pgfmathresult%
% Length of pattern
% Scaling factor for pattern
% Actually scale the pattern
% Tell PGF to dash this line
% The built-in version for comparison
\draw [line width=1pt, dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt] (0,0) circle(0.655);
% Our version with automatically adapted pattern length
\draw [line width=1pt, cycled dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt] (2,0) circle(0.655);
大部分代码取自TikZ 虚线可以模拟 PSTricks 虚线吗?。我只是对其进行了修改,使得破折号以 开头on
并以 结尾off
,这与引用的答案中的破折号以 开头和结尾相反on